By Guest Blogger Marybeth Barrett, Certified FASTer Way to Fat Loss Coach

I feel like there is something good brewing. Yes, in all the madness of the world, I see a silver lining. There seems to be some self-care mindsets trending among moms/women. No matter the reason, the fact that we are taking the time to care for ourselves and move our health and wellness to the forefront, makes me very happy.

My self-care motivation came out of desperation. I survived near fatal sepsis over 6 years ago and have been clawing my way back to health ever since. I saw numerous doctors, specialists, and purchased every supplement under the sun, to no avail. I finally broke after, yet another, test came back inconclusive and with no resolution. I was so sick and tired of being tired.  I was so frustrated and embarrassed by the brain fog and inability to think straight. I was over waking up each day only to calculate the number of hours left until I could go back to sleep again. I felt like a failure who was just merely trying to survive each day vs being able to thrive each day. So, I got mad. I asked myself “what can you do to take back control of your health?” The only thing I could think of was food and fitness.  I ate pretty healthy already and was trying to work out, but, every time I did, I had to come home and take a nap. Not very productive. I knew I wasn’t doing something right. So, I went into research mode.

I researched everything I could in regard to chronic fatigue and weight loss. Everything kept coming back to food. Not just what to eat, but how and when to eat it. I started reading about Intermittent Fasting, carb cycling and whole food nutrition. I followed a number of influencers and leaders on this topic on social media. They all kept talking about how it could help with energy and weight loss. I was like, “Yes, please. I will take some of that!” So, although scared and skeptical, I took the plunge and signed up for an online program to help teach me how to do it. I had no idea what I was getting into.

Well, I am here to tell you that food heals. Not supplements, name-brand shakes or anything crazy. Just straight up whole foods. It is so hard to know what to do. Low carb. No carb. No sugar, etc. I have learned that a moderation of all is key. It needs to be something sustainable and able to do long term. I have learned how to eat for energy. I no longer need 10-11 hours of sleep, plus a nap each day. I am full of energy with just 8 hours. This program changed my life so much I applied and studied to become a Coach. I wanted to be able to give back and help others look and feel their best too. As a fitness and nutrition Coach I encourage you to let food help you heal too. Here are three strategies that I teach and recommend:

Intermittent Fasting – it seems to be a popular topic of discussion, as of late. But it isn’t really new.  Many religious backgrounds incorporate fasting and have done so for thousands of years.

Intermittent fasting is not a type of diet, but an eating schedule. You eat within a certain window. You just have a shorter eating window throughout the day allowing your body to enter into the fasted state, which happens 8-12 hours after your body finishes digesting. I personally eat in an 8 hour window. I love Fasting because it has so many health benefits.

  • reduced inflammation
  • better sleep and more energy
  • greater mental clarity
  • Fat loss/weight loss
  • better digestion
  • improved hormone profile
  • increased life expectancy…just to name a few.

Fasting is free to do. You don’t need any equipment, tools, fancy foods, etc. Just a watch and a plan.

Whole Food Nutrition – if it comes from the ground or from a mother then it is a whole food. We focus on whole foods that are packed with macro/micronutrients and focus on clean eating. We avoid processed foods and those that are genetically modified to ensure we are fueling our body with the right things. When we are tired, we tend to make unhealthy choices like grabbing the nearest processed food or running through the drive-thru because it is easy and convenient. When we have more energy we tend to make healthier choices by planning ahead and preparing nutritious meals.

I cook for the whole family. I don’t cook separate meals for me. My teenage boys give my taste tested/kid approved seal of approval when sharing recipes. We all enjoy living a cleaner lifestyle.

Carb Cycling – I am sure you have heard of keto or you may even avoid carbs all together. But not all carbs are bad. They are actually your body’s preferred fuel source, so you need them to keep going.  Carb cycling ensures fat loss, higher energy levels and an improvement to overall body composition. I teach you how to get the benefits of ketosis while balancing days where you refuel with carbs to help rev up your metabolism and keep your hormones happy and healthy. This was a gamechanger for me.  My thyroid has back out of whack for YEARS. It just came back “normal” and the only thing that I did different was living this lifestyle.  My doctor said, “keep doing what you are doing…it is working!” Food heals.

So, if you are looking to gain energy, sleep better, lose weight/burn fat, improve your mood, increase your metabolism, regulate your hormones, get rid of brain fog…you may want to look no further than your plate.  Food heals.

If self-care is on your radar and you are interested, I run online nutrition and fitness programs. I teach you five different strategies to help you take back your health and wellness and to get you looking and feeling your best. This program might be right for you whether you are starting at ground zero, like me, or just want to kick your fitness and nutrition program up a notch and take it to the next level. To learn more about the program check out

Or follow me on Instagram for more tips, recipes, motivation and fun. Cheers to good health!


  • Sponsored by Marybeth Barrett, Certified FASTer Way to Fat Loss Coach