Summit School L.A.M.P. Camp: Gifted Children Camp Open to Public

By Guest Blogger Jeff Turner, Director of Co-Curricular Programs at Summit School

Summit School L.A.M.P. Camp:
Gifted Children Camp Open to Public
A week-long, deep dive into literature, art, music, and philosophy for gifted children

Why Literature, Art, Music, and Philosophy (L.A.M.P.)? Gifted children think big thoughts. They thrive when making connections across disciplines. They search to understand how ideas and concepts are related to each other.

L.A.M.P. draws together gifted students for an amazing week of reading great texts, asking big questions, thinking deeply, and connecting with ideas and each other. Through fables, poetry, and short stories, students will learn how to critically analyze text. Through writing, art, and music, students will reimagine and create their own pieces from their points of view. Students will build a portfolio of projects to share with parents on the last day of camp.

L.A.M.P. Camp students will gain knowledge on topics such as philosophy, history, writing, and the arts.  They will explore topics through problem-solving, thinking critically, being creative, and communicating effectively. Teachers will be using a research-based curriculum, adapted from a variety of sources including the Center for Gifted Education at the College of William & Mary.

Gifted students learn differently than most students. Research indicates that there are different ways to meet the needs of gifted students in the school setting. We believe in a whole-child approach with a research-based curriculum guided by outstanding teachers. This camp will include flexible options for students to go deep and stay deep in activities and conversation. Gifted students have the opportunity to connect with other bright students who share their enthusiasm for learning. Students will work with teachers who understand and appreciate the importance of the social and emotional lives of gifted children.

Summit believes in active learning. Students formulate questions, seek out and create answers, think through possibilities and evaluate how successful they are. Summit art, writing, and music teachers will join the faculty for integrated projects and experiences. We will also make use of our partnerships with and proximity to SECCA and Reynolda House Museum of American Art.

Each day will begin with a morning circle using the approach developed by Responsive Classroom and include brain warm-ups. There will be two breaks and two snacks each day. L.A.M.P. Campers will have access to Summit’s collection of dazzling brain games. L.A.M.P. campers will join other Summit Summer camps for lunch in the Summit Dining Hall.

Responsive Classroom is an evidence-based approach to education that focuses on the strong relationship between academic success and social-emotional learning. The Responsive Classroom approach empowers educators to create safe, joyful, and engaging learning communities where all students have a sense of belonging and feel significant.


Three camps grouped by grade levels:

Rising Kindergarten and 1st Graders
Camp Leader – Heather Younts
June 24-28
9 am – 2 pm (5 hours per day)
Fee – $320 (includes lunch, two snacks, supplies)

Rising 2nd & 3rd Graders
Camp Leader – Jess Alfaro
June 24-28
9 am – 4 pm (7 hours per day)
Fee – $420 (includes lunch, two snacks, supplies)

Rising 4th & 5th Graders
Camp Leader – Catherine Helm
June 24-28
9 am – 4pm (7 hours per day)
Fee – $420 (includes lunch, two snacks, supplies)

Students currently enrolled in a Summit Summer camp may transfer payment to this camp upon request. See Summit Summer Policies and FAQs at Staff and other discounts do not apply to this camp. Gift Certificates are welcome.

Students will be selected for the program based on the following.

  • Recent Progress Reports indicating high achievement and interest in Language Arts, strong daily performance and social and emotional maturity
  • Recommendation from current teacher
  • Parent application
  • Outside testing results if relevant
  • WSFCS students – current enrollment WSFCS AG or HAG program, Grades 3, 4, 5
  • School test results

Enrollment Process

1. Complete online application HERE.
2. Provide qualifying documents (directions provided in application)
3. Once all items are in hand, review by Summit L.A.M.P. Camp faculty.
Applicants are reviewed first come, first served, based on completion of 1 & 2.
Class size will be limited to provide the ideal environment for teacher attention and student engagement.
4. Summit response within two weeks
5. Enrollment through for qualified students
6. Later applications will be accepted if room allows

Fact Sheet on Faculty and Summit School Available HERE.


  • Sponsored by Summit School
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