A couple of weeks ago, I blogged about how I was on a kick to streamline my life. It seems the more I try to get organized, the more things keep piling up around me. At the end of the post, I included a survey to gauge how organized – or disorganized – other readers felt about themselves. Some of us can honestly pat ourselves on the back for a job very well done all the time. Others of us, well…not so much. To help those of us who are seeking ways to get the job done better and more efficiently, I asked readers to include suggestions or tips which we’re calling the “Aha Moments.” All of the suggestions and tips were fantastic, and I listed a few after each question below.

So take a break and catch up on the results listed below. If anything, the numbers should show that – no matter how crazy and in disarray your life may seem – we’re all doing a pretty darn good job! And we’ve got tips to prove it! (If you have more “Aha Moments,” please add them in the comments at the end of this post!)

Here are the results…

How often do you do laundry?
Answer Options Response Percent
Every day 20.5%
A few times a week 55.1%
Once a week 15.4%
I let it pile up to the point of frustration,
and then do it all at once

Notable “Aha Moments” You Should Try:
~ Already have allotted space for towels, whites, colors,etc. Have family members be sure to put clothes in set piles for more systematic flow. When folding clothes, I use piles for downstairs and different piles for upstairs so once complete I take to designated areas.
~ Love watching all my shows that I DVR during the week and that way laundry isn’t such a chore as that’s when I get to catch up on all my drama while I fold! It’s a win/win!
~ I don’t like to let laundry pile up. We have two baskets in our hall linen closet – one each for lights and darks – and everyone’s laundry goes in there. I’m never caught by surprise by how much dirty laundry there is because it’s not in each person’s room.

How often do you do a general house cleaning?
Answer Options Response Percent
Every day
Once a week
A few times per week
Once per month
Whenever it gets uninhabitable
I let the maid do it

Notable “Aha Moments” You Should Try:
~ I like to think about the saying, it is something like, “Cobwebs can wait and laundry may get deep, but I am rocking my baby and babies don’t keep.” LIfe is short! I clean, but some days it just does not happen.
~ Streamline your products and use a caddy to carry them from room to room. I also have a vacuum cleaner (purchased at a yard sale) for the upstairs which saves time and energy.
~ If you can afford a cleaning service…do it!

When do you make your child’s school lunch
Answer Options Response Percent
In the evening before I go to bed
In the morning
My child makes his own lunch
 I don’t make it – he buys
answered question

Notable “Aha Moments” You Should Try:
~ I make 5 days worth of lunches on Sunday night!
~ I have added lunchbox planning to my grocery list/menu planning. I sit down and plan out what to pack for each of my 3 kids. That way, when it comes time to pack, I don’t have to think too hard and I can make sure to add all the necessary items to the grocery list.
~ My husband does it!

How often do you grocery shop?
Answer Options Response Percent
Every day
A few times per week
Once a week
A few times per month
Once per month

Notable “Aha Moments” You Should Try:
~ Look on www.southernsavers.com for sales, plan menus for week, create grocery list. Keep a white board in the kitchen so everyone can note when we are out of something.
~ Online grocery shopping at least once a month for a big order.
~ Keep a list in my kitchen and call it the “Go To” list. Whenever something gets low in the house, they are to write it down. Once the list is full, we shop. If its not on the list and you aren’t with me then the item isn’t bought. Keeps everyone on their toes and lets everyone help out in the house.

How many grocery stores do you shop to complete your list (for both perishables and non-perishables)?
Answer Options Response Percent
Only one
Two 51.3%
Three 10.3%
More than three

Notable “Aha Moments” You Should Try:
~Express Lane pick-up at Harris Teeter and Lowes
~Now that Target has groceries, if I need something on my list, I get it there. Once a month I go to Sam’s to get food in bulk like shredded cheese and beef. I portion it and freeze until needed.
~Sometimes go to Trader Joe’s, HT or WF for specialty things but mainly just go to one and buy some things in bulk at Costco

How often do you shop for clothes for yourself?
Answer Options Response Percent
I find a little something every time I am out
Once a week
A few times per month
Once a month
Only when the seasons change
Almost never

Notable “Aha Moments” You Should Try:
~ Whenever I am at Target or Costco and see something cute :). I don’t ever go out shopping for myself!
~ A better answer . . . when I feel that 10 years with one shirt is too much!
~ I am always on the lookout for clothes, but hardly ever make a shopping trip just for me unless I am looking for something specific.

How often do you shop for clothes for your children?
Answer Options Response Percent
I find a little something each time I am out
Once a week
A few times per month
Once a month
Only when the seasons change or they’ve completely
outgrown their wardrobe



Notable “Aha Moments” You Should Try:
~ I always buy at end of season for steep discounts. I’m never frantic when the seasons change, I always have the next size up.
~ I like to shop online for clothes. It makes my life much easier.

When do you exercise?
Answer Options Response Percent
First thing in the morning, before my shower
Whenever I can fit it in during the day
When the kids get home from school (and I take
them with me to the gym’s daycare)

In the evening

Notable “Aha Moments” You Should Try:
~ Put my workout clothes out at night so I don’t wake anyone in the AM getting dressed. And, that makes sure I actually workout – nothing worse then having to put your workout clothes back in your drawer b/c you hit the snooze button instead.
~ I meet two friends every morning. We have done this for 6 years! It is good for our bodies and minds!
~ Always put in my calendar and treat it as a To Do for the day

How do you manage your To Do list?
Answer Options Response Percent
I keep it handwritten and update it as I go along
I keep it on my computer and update it as I go along
I keep it on my phone and update it as I go along
I don’t keep a To Do list
I have a To Do list, but I never manage it

Notable “Aha Moments” You Should Try:
~ Use the “reminders” section of Iphone and click the box when chore done. Also use the notepad on Iphone/Imac/Ipad and it keeps an updated place to keep all kinds of notes, #’s, lists, etc. VERY CONVENIENT!!!
~ A binder with monthly chores listed makes sure I don’t forget to do those things like change filters. I always keep a list of things I need to purchase for the house.
~ Another good device is a voice recorder so you don’t forget anything

When it comes to mail, which best describes you?
Answer Options Response Percent
As soon as we open the mail, we file what we need and purge
what we don’t

We tend to the important stuff as soon as possible, and
get to the other stuff when we can

The mail goes from the mailbox to our kitchen counter and stays
there for days

I still have unopened mail from weeks ago sitting in an
“inbox” in our house


Notable “Aha Moments” You Should Try:
~ I heard one time that the best way is to touch paper (i.e. mail) only ONE time. That way, schedule your bills online the day you get them so they are paid a day or two prior to them being due, you never have to look at bill again, plus you save postage! Keep a file drawer with labels from a label maker with categories like “Tax deductions”, “name of child” – with their important stuff, a folder called “Important documents with passports, birth certificates, etc. so those are always handy, “receipts”, “insurance”, etc. you get the picture – if you have folders laid out, it’s much easier to keep that stuff filed and organized.
~ Have a set spot in your kitchen that the mail gets placed and once you have thrown out junk, file whats needed and then have a basket for paying bills within the next day or two that is visible and right by the door you enter and exit the most so you are constantly reminded until the task is complete.

How often do you clean up your computer and/or email?
Answer Options Response Percent
Every day
Few times per week
Once a month
Few times per year
Once a year
You’re supposed to clean up your computer?

Notable “Aha Moments” You Should Try:
~ My computer is very old so I have no choice. I just do it.
~ I NEVER delete an email unless it’s spam. You never know when you need it. I’m a computer guru and I never do that.

How often do you clean out your closets?
Answer Options Response Percent
Once a week
Once a month
At the change of the seasons
Once a year

Notable “Aha Moments” You Should Try:
~ Always go through your closet during winter and spring bc if clothes are in the closet that have been there for more than 2 or 3 seasons then you will likely never wear them and could donate them. Also helps to throw out rugged, worn clothes after each season so your closet functions for you each season.
~ I have found that I am motivated to take things to the consignment store so that I can generate cash to buy new things. This has really helped me to focus on the things we actually wear, and get rid of the things that are just collecting dust or taking up space.
~ Keep a bin in my kids closets where I put things as I notice they’ve outgrown them.
~ Take 2 big black garbage bags around your house ( a la “Fly Lady”) and get rid of trash in one and Goodwill in another…that really helps!!!

How often do you clean out your car?
Answer Options Response Percent
Every day
Few times per week
Once a month
Few times per year

Notable “Aha Moments” You Should Try:
~ Try to do it on Fridays, because my husband hates driving around on the weekends with the kids’ clutter in the backseat. 🙂
~ I keep some plastic grocery bags in the glove compartment. When I am sitting in carpool line, I occasionally pull one out and collect all the trash.
~ Keep a trash can in my car and once its full I empty it. Helps keep kids tidy in the back and keeps from having junk thrown all over the car. Always keep a roll of paper towels, wet wipes and their coats tucked in a special spot in the car for those emergency situations

How often do you change out your old make-up?
Answer Options Response Percent
Once a month
Few times per year
Once a year
You’re supposed to change out your old make-up?

Notable “Aha Moments” You Should Try:
None given! Based on the prevailing answer above, I think we could all use some advice here!

How often do you change out your medicine cabinet?
Answer Options Response Percent
Once a month
Few times per year
Once a year
You’re supposed to change out your medicine cabinet?

Notable “Aha Moments” You Should Try:
~ Trick here is to organize your medicine cabinet first. Group together like items such as liquids, prescription pills, ear medicine, etc. Then once a year I say after winter when things warm up go through and throw out any expired medicines and replenish what gets tossed.
~ I don’t buy a lot so we use stuff up efficiently.

How often do you clean out your children’s toys – and either pitch, sell or recycle them?
Answer Options Response Percent
Once a month
Twice a year during consignment season
Once a year

Notable “Aha Moments” You Should Try:
~ I have a closet designated for consignment. I have bins in the bottom for toys and shoes and the clothes are on hangers. This keeps it organized and ready to go to the consignment sales and out if the kids drawers and rooms.
~ Allow the kids to choose. If they want new toys or get new toys then I make them decide which ones to donate or put into storage bin for later use. That way in a few months I can pull out old toys and they seem like new. Plus this allows the house from getting too cluttered with tons of toys. Hint: use your furniture wisely. Ottomans and chest of drawers make great hiding places for toys.
~ I always make my kids go through their things before any gift-getting holidays (birthdays, Christmas).
~ Giving it to friends with new babies its nice because they need it and you don’t.

How do you manage the piles of shoes, coats and bags that accumulate at your door?
Answer Options Response Percent
We have a place for everything to be hung or put away right
by the door or nearby
Leave them be until the end of the night when it all gets put away
Leave them be for several days and eventually they get put back
I don’t worry about it – they will all be used soon enough again
This is not applicable to me



Notable “Aha Moments” You Should Try:
~ Mounted shoe rack in garage. change out shoes at the start of Fall and start of Spring.
~ I love my row of hooks for coats and bags & my antique church pew with one basket for each family member underneath for shoes. They can carry their baskets when full upstairs!
~I bought a great kids-sized bench with drawers where the kids can put their shoes and added kid height coat hangers right beside the door.

How often do you purge old socks and underwear?
Answer Options Response Percent
A few times per year
Once a year
Only when I see holes or notice they no longer fit
Never – we just add new ones to the growing pile in the drawer

Notable “Aha Moments” You Should Try:
~When B team turns to C team or when kids outgrow their socks, out they go.

How often do you save your child’s artwork from school?
Answer Options Response Percent
I save everything in a safe place when it comes home
I pick and choose, and put only some special items in a safe place
Most of the stuff gets thrown out eventually
We don’t have any system in place to save these things

Notable “Aha Moments” You Should Try:
~ My husband used to take pictures of the kids artwork so we did not feel so bad about throwing the original away!
~ At the end of the year, I make a photo book, and then only save the most precious things, the rest gets recycled.
~I have heard about Artkive – an app. It’s my summer project. Photograph the art, and the app makes a book of your kids work.
~ Tupperware tubs are great for this. Try to focus on keeping true keepsakes like foot and hand prints, their first “real” picture, their first words, etc. Also you can keep a journal by your bed and note any of their firsts throughout their life then gift it to them at a certain age so they can look back on what they did and when they did it. just as impactful as looking as tons of art work that they will never remember drawing nor will they want.

How often do you recycle books in your home?
Answer Options Response Percent
We keep every book
Once a month we’ll either give some away to friends and
family, sell, or donate

Once a year we’ll either give some away to friends and family,
sell, or donate

Once every few years we‘ll either give some away to friends
and family, sell, or donate



Notable “Aha Moments” You Should Try:

How often do you change out photos in frames around your house?
Answer Options Response Percent
At least once a year I update most of them
I update a few every so often
I just buy new frames for photos and add them to our collection

Notable “Aha Moments” You Should Try:
~ I have digital photo frames.
~ I’m sure i will want to change out photos eventually but none are too old yet & it’s hard to imagine any that I chose to frame will ever be too old! That will make them even better.