Book a Birthday Party at Greensboro Children’s Museum & Experience Everything Imaginable

By Guest Blogger Jessica Clifford

Three. Two. One. “Blow out your candles!”

For most children, they are counting down the minutes until their favorite flavor of cake, glowing by the candlelight, sits before them. The cake and the anticipated wish, however, aren’t the only important pieces to a perfect birthday party. The place sure does count!

Answer your child’s call for a dream birthday party by booking their special day at Greensboro Children’s Museum (GCM)!

birthday party

GCM, based in the city’s downtown, is the go-to place for family fun, with 20-plus indoor and outdoor exhibits for imaginative play and creation. Like other museums, GCM is focused on learning, but the Musuem’s strategy is learning through play!

Playtime + party room + a slice of cake = one happy birthday kid!

Book one of two private rental rooms at the Museum. Then fill it with everything imaginable! After decorating your room, you will have an hour and a half to eat, open presents, and sing happy birthday to the guest of honor. The birthday party doesn’t stop after that. When you host a party at GCM, children can play all day long.

If you have experienced a GCM birthday party before, expect some new and improved changes, including the birthday child getting a few new perks on their special day! The birthday boy or girl will get a free ticket to play in the Museum and a large birthday button to proudly announce it’s their day! You can even play “Eye Spy” with your child, asking them to locate their name and birthday announcement on the large digital screen outside the Museum.

But we know what you’re thinking, sometimes the most time-consuming challenge to organizing a birthday party is the planning process. You want the day to be tip-top for the little one’s celebration. However, with complimentary access to Evites, a separate check-in system for birthday party guests, and a side entrance and wagon to tote party supplies into the Museum, it doesn’t get much easier to plan.

For more information about birthday parties, visit the Museum’s website You can also email the GCM birthday party coordinator at

Three. Two. One. Are you ready?

Take part in the tradition of 23-plus years of memorable moments inside the Museum by hosting a birthday party! It is the perfect backdrop for your child to blow out their birthday candles!

children's museum

  • Sponsored by the Greensboro Children’s Museum 


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