Raising Children

Why I Hire a Male Babysitter

Why I Hire a Male Babysitter

By Guest Blogger Ginny Olson This is what I hear at the crack of dawn this morning: MOMMY, WHEN IS MY DATE WITH ZACK?! Tomorrow, dude, it’s tomorrow. In the meantime, please go back to sleep. But he’s too excited for that. Because tomorrow, he’ll get...
Increasing Mental Health and Suicide Awareness

Increasing Mental Health and Suicide Awareness

By Guest Blogger Brittany J. Todd, NCC, LCMHC, NCIP, CLC September is National Suicide Awareness Prevention Month, therefore this post is dedicated to increasing knowledge with the hope of initiating a deeper conversation about mental health and how our children are...
Parenting in the Middle of an Uncertain Back-to-School Season

Parenting in the Middle of an Uncertain Back-to-School Season

By Guest Blogger Christine Murray, Ph.D., LCMHC, LMFT Life has been filled with uncertainty since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, but this back-to-school season seems to bring more uncertainties and questions than ever before for children and families. If you’re...