Choice Schools in the Triad
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Choice Schools in the Triad

It’s choice school time!  As a parent of two, my children have experienced a mix of schools as they have navigated their elementary years. One child has experienced private school and traditional public school. Another child experienced private school, public school #1, homeschooling (2 years), and is finishing out with public school choice #2. For various reasons, families spend their time switching schools more often than is normally discussed. If you have multiple children, then you may experience this process more times than you’d care to, but it does not have to be frustrating with a bit of help. If the process for the 2025-2026 choice schools has not started for your family yet, it will soon. 

School Options in North Carolina

Now is the time to consider the best options for your child and draft any questions that you may have for visiting different schools. Aside from private education and homeschooling, school choice is popular in North Carolina, and as families look for free education, they will find that their main choices are charter schools, magnet schools, and traditional public schools. Below are some things to consider when choosing a school and for this blog post, we’ll focus on magnet and charter schools. However, let me give honorable mention to the traditional public school process.

Traditional public school choice

Within North Carolina (NC), a child will often attend the traditional public school in the area that they reside (i.e. residential school). It is not uncommon for families to choose where they live based on the residential school, as they know that their child will automatically be zoned for that particular school. However, NC also institutes school choice. Therefore, if a family lives in one particular area within the county, but wants their child to attend a school outside of their school zone, that family can apply to have their child attend a different traditional public school. The only caveat (if the child is chosen for the non-zoned public school) is that the parents have to drop off and pick up their child, as riding the bus will not be an option. There are different timelines for the school choice application process, and families can find out which schools are available based on their home location.

Alamance County Zoning
Davie County District Map
Guilford County School Zones
Winston-Salem Forsyth County School Zones

Charter vs. Magnet Schools

While charter and magnet schools seem similar in many areas, there are some differences. They both are usually smaller in population size compared to traditional public schools. Like traditional public schools, magnet and charter schools are free to county/city residents. However, families must apply for their child to enroll in a magnet or charter school. Additional differences and descriptions are explained below.

Magnet Schools

Magnet schools are public schools that often focus on a particular area of specialty. Some magnet schools focus on the arts (dance, theater/drama, music, etc.). Other magnet schools focus on STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math). With magnet schools, the teaching practices may also be a bit different from traditional public schools. Some magnet schools emphasize the Montessori method, while other schools focus more on experiential learning or dual language immersion. Because magnet schools may be smaller in population size than traditional public schools and selective, they often enroll students based on a lottery system. 

Magnet School Application

With the lottery system, families can apply for a particular magnet school that suits their child’s interests. Once a family has entered the lottery system, they wait to see if their child has been chosen through this random process. If it turns out that a child did not get the magnet school of their choice, that child is placed on a waitlist. If this is the case, then the child has a chance of enrolling in the school if a slot opens later. Parents can apply for magnet schools each year.

Charter schools

Charter schools are public, free schools, but in many ways they may remind families of private schools. For example, while charter schools are public, they are allowed more flexibility in curriculum, as opposed to magnet or traditional public schools. At the same time, unlike magnet schools, charter schools may not have a particular area of specialty (ex. Performance Arts, STEM, etc.). Another main difference in charter schools may be their regulations. While they are public schools, their funding looks a bit different. For example, funding may be private or public, and charter schools are usually operated by a board of directors, different from traditional public schools. As a result, items such as testing benchmarks and types of testing may differ. 

Charter School Application

In North Carolina, charter schools follow the same testing regulations as traditional public schools and magnet schools, so it is always important to check with each school to find out policies and procedures. When choosing a charter school, families should view each charter’s website, as they may not follow a lottery system similar to magnet schools. Therefore, each one’s application process may vary.

Tips for choosing the best Choice schools for your child

While traditional public schools, magnet schools, and charter schools are all public institutions, that does not mean that each body of students, teachers, and staff are the same. Things such as learning environments, school mission, and values differ between schools, which are all aspects to consider. My spouse and I recognized that our children needed different learning environments; therefore, we decided to look at schools independently for each child. Here are some things to keep in mind when choosing the best school environment:

  1. Alignment with teaching and learning values: Each family has certain needs, so choosing a school that aligns with said values are important. Do you want a diverse school in terms of students, staff, and/or even learning methods? Do you want a school with a certain level of parental involvement? What type of after school activities are you looking for and do they need to be represented within the school? Does the school need to offer after-school care? Considering these things before visiting school options can help make the process of elimination a lot easier.
  2. Child personality match: One particular school matched one of my children, but was not a good fit for my other child. One child learns best in an environment where independent learning is central; the other child learns best in a more collaborative/teamwork driven environment. Therefore, we had to visit multiple schools to get a feel for each place and we had to ask rounds of questions. It’s okay to choose different schools for different children, if you are able to do so. 
  3. Child’s gifts and talents: Considering a child’s talents is also central to choosing a place where that child will thrive. Is your child more artistically inclined? Do you have an actor/actress in your family? Does your child enjoy technology and/or science experiments more than other subjects? If so, consider making a list of these attributes and using them to choose the best school for that child. 

While selecting schools are not easy processes, they also do not have to be frustrating. Luckily, counties and districts have made the process easier to maneuver, so with time and a bit of organization, families can make the best decisions that suit their children. To learn more, see the links below and best of luck on your school choice journey!

By Sydney D. Richardson, Ph.D.

Choice Schools Resources

Choice Schools links

Alamance-Burlington County Schools

Davie County Schools

Guilford County Schools – Choice Magnet Schools

Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools

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