Exciting News and Changes for Triad Moms on Main
By the TMoM Team
To everything there is a season …
For Rachel Hoeing and Katie Moosbrugger, the season of Triad Moms on Main has been a strong 12 years! But as their children enter into college and begin the next stages of their lives, Rachel and Katie have decided it’s time for them to do so as well. They are ready to pass the TMoM torch to new managers who are passionate about community, parenthood, the Triad, and all things family-related.
Please join us in welcoming Suzy Fielders and Sandy Harper as the new managers of Triad Moms on Main. Transitioning the site under their leadership was not only a natural progression, but an easy and seamless one as well. Both Suzy and Sandy have been involved with Triad Moms on Main in various way over the years, and they each have the passion, organization, managerial skills, and know-how to not only run Triad Moms on Main, but to also grow and change it to fulfill the needs of parents in our community.
As an added bonus, Suzy and Sandy are sisters, so they obviously know each other well. Plus, they’ve also run a marketing company together in the past so they know how to work well with each other and grow a successful business at the same time.
Here’s a little more information to get to know Suzy and Sandy…
Suzy Fielders Aaron
“I fondly remember writing my first guest blog for Triad Moms on Main in December 2012. It was on tips for working moms. At the time I was a single mom of a four-year-old daughter and worked full-time as a Marketing Associate at a leadership development agency. Little did I know that over the next ten years so much would happen, but that TMoM would stay such an integral part of my life. I switched jobs & careers, continuously guest blogged for TMoM, joined the TMoM sales team in summer 2017 & rejoined in January 2021, became a fully self-employed writer and content marketer, got married in May 2021, and had another beautiful daughter this past summer. The last decade has all lead me to the amazing opportunity of co-managing Triad Moms on Main with my big sister and lifelong best friend. I’ve loved TMoM since the beginning and I’m so happy and honored to be a part of helping other parents find the resources they need for parenting and to navigate our local community.” ~Suzy
Sandy Harper
“Triad Moms on Main has been a part of my life since 2013 when I had my first baby. To be honest, I know I was viewing their site even before that event. Being a new mom and also having a passion for writing, my sister Suzy encouraged me to be a guest blogger for TMoM. I started guest blogging in 2015 and since have continued to share my words on day trips, all things kids in the outdoors and crafts. Now I am a mom of three kiddos (boy, girl, boy), whom I homeschool, adventure with and call my mini entourage.
My amazing husband supports me and all my many shenanigans! This includes my exciting next chapter with co-managing TMoM. I couldn’t imagine a more perfect co-manager to work alongside, than my sister. We have always complimented each other’s strengths, knowledge and passions. As a long time educational tutor, public relations manager and a writer in various avenues, I feel confident that I can help carry on the legacy of TMoM that Rachel and Katie have so beautifully built. I am gratefully to be part of the TMoM family!”
Rachel Hoeing & Katie Moosbrugger
Co-Founders and Owners
What started as an idea scribbled on a Chick-fil-A napkin soon became a reality 12 years ago this month. Rachel and Katie developed Triad Moms on Main with the sole purpose of creating an inclusive online community of Triad moms and dads. Today that community includes tens of thousands of readers who log on to the site each and every day, subscribe to TMoM’s newsletter, and follow the site on social media.
With Rachel’s background in elementary education and Katie’s background in PR, the partnership was the perfect blend of knowledge and experience to grow Triad Moms on Main into the area’s premier resource for parents. The two have lived in the Triad with their respective families for over 18 years and have raised their children while running the site. Now that they each have grown children, Rachel and Katie recognized the need to pass the torch. The founders will remain owners of the website, but are thrilled to watch TMoM continue to grow and evolve under new leadership. The Triad Moms on Main team has expanded to a group of 20 incredible women, and we all cannot wait to see what the future holds.
Moving forward, you can be assured that the TMoM you know and love will not change. Our team has worked hard over the years to develop a website, social media channels, and a consistent newsletter program that contains valuable resources for parents in and around the Triad NC region. And while parenting has changed quite a bit since our site started 12 years ago, we are excited for Suzy, Sandy, and the rest of our TMoM Team to continue to implement new ideas and fresh content to our platform.

Parenthood can certainly be the mother of all rides, and we are honored you have chosen to make Triad Moms on Main your first stop for scoop, news, advice, and happenings around the Triad! Buckle up for more things to come!
Congratulations to Rachel and Katie!! I’ve followed your site from the beginning, and it’s been a blessing to our family.
Thank you!
Katie and Rachel,
I have read and followed your newsletter since its inception. Your posts have been a life line for me at times. Thank you!
I am so thrilled for you to have done so well and now get to continue to reap the rewards of all your hard work. Congratulations! I hope I will bump into you soon.
Gayle, we have appreciated your support over the years so much! Truly means the world. Thank you!
Thank you Gayle! It’s been so long since I’ve seen you. Hope all is well!!
So happy that transition is also fun reading this article . Congratulations to our new manager and co manager hope to see new different things on this group and grow more as a beautiful mom family .
Thank you!!
Bravo Katie and Rachel! I cant wait to see what you guys do in your next chapter. Our kiddos are all getting so big for sure!
Congrats to Suzy and Sandy! I wish all of you the best!
Thank you so much, Susan! That means a lot. We loved working with you!
Thank you Susan!
Thank you Susan! Hope all is well with you and the family!
I previously had a blog posted with Triad Moms On Main and would love to submit another one. Thinking about doing one about the colors of autumn and have lots of photos that could accompany it. One of the central conceits of the blog would be to talk about is not only how mesmerizing the autumn show of colors is dazzling but that it is simply good for the soul to see it. Whenever I feel down, I just drive around and look at the red/orange/yellow/turning color trees and bushes, and my heart expands with happiness. Interested in this article idea and if so, what word length should I aim at? Best regards, Renee Skudra in Lindley Park
Thank you Renee! We’d love to have you blog again. I’ll send you an email directly about it. ~Suzy