Motherhood Thoughts from the TMoM Team

By the TMoM Team Members

As a site built and ran by mothers, it only seems logical to ask the TMoM team about their motherhood thoughts. Each member answered two questions that highlighted their motherhood experience. It is the hope of the whole team that you enjoy, find common ground and loving support in these answers.

Motherhood Question 1: What is your favorite thing about being a mom?

“Now that my children are both officially adults, I think my favorite thing is the friendships we have built. I still have to put the hammer down on some things every so often, but overall we are able to just enjoy each other’s company now. I love how we can laugh together and share stories and jokes that would never have been appropriate 5 years ago. Haha! Plus, I love seeing the friendship my son and daughter have built over the years, because it was definitely more of a love/hate relationship when they were little. I have loved watching them grow up and turn into people who are kind, compassionate, and fun!” ~ Rachel Hoeing (Co-owner)

“I love watching them grow from sweet newborns to independent young adults!” ~ Suzy Fielders (Co-manager)

“The snuggles and hugs are an absolute favorite! Yet, now that they are getting older, I’m loving the adventures we can take and enjoy together!” ~ Sandy Harper (Co-manager)

“I love the sweet moments my kids share with each other when they think no one is watching/paying attention. The “I love yous” and encouragement they give each other melts me. It makes me feel like I’m doing something right.” ~ Kodia Byers (PR Manager & Sales rep)

“My favorite thing about being a mom is having the opportunity to help shape good humans for this world. I love having a front row seat and watching them grow up, experience life, and become their own person.” ~ Dani Luft (Sales rep)

“The best part about being a mom is sharing the joys of seeing the world through my girls eyes.” ~ Melissa Brooks (Sales rep)

“Being connected with these little people that I have created (with some help!) and watching them develop and grow into their own person. It’s truly a joy!” ~ Nicole Witten (Sales rep)

“Watching my kids experience things for the first time!” ~ Brooke Coley (Calendar Coordinator & Instagram Manager)

“My favorite thing about being a mom is getting a front row seat to these little humans’ lives as they unfold. It’s the biggest honor of my life! I think often about this reality: If everyone lives an average lifespan, the majority of my relationship with my daughter and son will take place when all of us are adults. That reminder shapes a ton of my approach to parenting, keeping that “long game” mindset to help me decide how to respond in this moment to (hopefully!) help us grow toward a strong, flourishing relationship both in their childhood and well beyond.” ~ Anna Keller (Blogger)

“When they were younger I loved teaching them any and everything I thought would help them. Now that they are older, I love that I have an opportunity to correct the things I taught them that were wrong.” ~ Dennette Bailey (Blogger)

“My favorite thing about being a mom is the love, lessons, and laughter my children provide and the opportunity to pour positivity into some people who will one day change the world.” ~ Britney Dent (Blogger & Sales Rep)

“All the unconditional love. Even on the hardest days, those little cuddles help everything to feel better.” ~ Sarah Marchwiany (Sales rep)

“My favorite thing about being a mom is getting to show my daughter what a healthy relationship with movement looks like and raising her to be active . We share a love for running and it’s an activity I enjoy doing as a family. And it has been a priority, after years of overtraining and scale stepping, to model balance and focus on the way exercise makes us feel (motivated, unstoppable, strong) vs just how we look…that’s what keeps me going.” ~ Briana Welch (Sales rep)

Motherhood Question 2: What is the most challenging thing about being a mom?

“The most challenging part for me has been watching my kids go through difficult times. As moms, we would take the hurt upon ourselves a million times over instead of our kids going through it. But everything is a learning experience and another step toward adulthood, so we do our best to roll with the punches and support each other as much as we can.” ~ Rachel Hoeing (Co-owner)

“As a mom it is hard to fit in time and self-care for myself, sometimes leaving me not recharged enough for parenthood!” ~ Suzy Fielders (Co-manager)

“Feeling like I’m not giving them the individual attention they need. With three homeschooled kiddos, we do a lot together! So making the time to connect with them individually is challenging.” ~ Sandy Harper (Co-manager)

“The most challenging part of motherhood is realizing that what works for one kid will most assuredly not work for the others. Someone once told me that no two siblings have the same parents, that’s so true. Our children have different personalities and needs and we, as parents, are changing and growing as our parenthood journey continues with each child. I’m leaning into the imperfection if it all and embracing the chaos.” ~ Kodia Byers (PR Manager & Sales rep)

“The most challenging thing about being a mom is not being able to fix what makes them anxious or upset. There are a lot of tough life lessons that they have to go through and I wish I could make it easier for them. When they hurt, I hurt.” ~ Dani Luft (Sales rep)

“The most challenging is raising my girls in today’s world with all the technology.” ~ Melissa Brooks (Sales rep)

“Allowing them to fail” ~ Nicole Witten (Sales rep)

“My needs are the last to be met but, I wouldn’t have it any other way :)” ~ Brooke Coley (Calendar Coordinator & Instagram Manager)

“I think the most challenging thing is to try to separate the things I struggled with as a child and teen from my kids and remember they are their OWN people. Their struggles may overlap some with mine, but I don’t want to be so hyper focused on the things that were tough for me that I miss signs of other challenges in their lives.” ~ Anna Keller (Blogger)

“The most Challenging thing about being a mom is realizing no matter how old they get I will still worry about them. For me they stay my children but for them they do not.” ~ Dennette Bailey (Blogger)

“The most challenging thing about being a mom used to be potty training but now it’s worrying about their safety.” ~ Britney Dent (Blogger & Sales Rep)

“Never really getting a break. There is always someone or something to take care of.” ~ Sarah Marchwiany (Sales rep)

“The most challenging part about being a mom is managing schedules and commitments at home and professional life. There’s so much pressure as not just working professionals, but also as working professional moms. But I think the greatest gift you can give your family and the world if a healthy YOU . Making self care a priority ,taking care of yourself physically , emotionally and mentally will make you a better mom overall. Also, finding your community of encouraging moms who understand your struggle and offer support is a game-changer.” ~ Briana Welch (Sales rep)

Happy Mother’s Day from the TMoM Team!

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