
Strength in Diversity

By Dr. Bryan Wolfe, Winston Salem Christian School, Head of School

Winston Salem Christian School is the most diverse private school in the state of North Carolina (niche.com). Socioeconomic and ethnic diversity provide a space for a rich educational experience. An Advance Placement US History class may provide a discussion that includes numerous local students as well as students from Italy and Germany. Thus, offering a unique and global perspective in the classroom. A Kindergarten lesson on Christmas around the world includes a series of guest student lecturers sharing about their culture and Christmas traditions. WSCS is home to 40 international students that enrich the academics, athletics, and the arts at the school. The international population is complimented by a student body that reflects the ethnic diversity of our city and the triad. Diversity is present in the make-up of the student body. As well as, the diverse opportunities afforded to the 410 students on campus.

The high school is a unique mix of students from 6 continents around the globe. These students enhance the experience at the entire school. Noel and Liv visited a first grade class to share about the Christmas traditions in their hometown of Germany. Lilly and Edina, students from Hungary, shared an authentic Hungarian meal with our Bible teacher and his family. The WSCS student leaders enjoyed sharing the American traditions of S’mores and pumpkin carving at the house of the head of the school with our exchange students.

Beyond the diversity of individuals that call WSCS home, the school has been intentional about a diversity of educational opportunities. Students may take AP courses, visit an on-campus educational barn that includes live animal births and a booming business of raising chickens and collecting eggs. Additionally, students simply develop a love of learning as older students often read for the on campus early learning center (ages 3-5) and younger grades. An Autism Academy allows as many as six students to work with a therapist to interact in mainstream classes and have a classroom teacher that directs their education. (We actually have 2 openings right now!)

older students helping

Students spend their senior year working on a capstone project. Senior thesis allows students to research a topic over the year and become an expert in it. They write a 25-page paper and present a 10-15 minute presentation. Along with a question and answer period from the audience. Their topic includes extensive research and biblical worldview. As well as, experiential learning through interviews and shadowing, preparing them to make a presentation and defend their position. Previous seniors have shared that this experience surpasses any college expectation. They are thankful for the opportunity, despite the demands of the process.

Most recently, WSCS added a TIDE lab. This lab allows students to explore technology, innovation, design, entrepreneurship. Students’ progress through the engineering process as they seek to identify a need and then design, empathize, experiment, and produce in a journey of problem solving and product production. This entire process takes place in our newly installed $400,000 lab! The TIDE lab officially opens in the fall of 2023.

The combination of a diverse student population, diverse educational opportunities, and a faith-based nurturing environment make WSCS an unbelievable opportunity for students to thrive. WSCS is still accepting students for the 2023-2024 school year. Any interested families should visit www.WSChristian.com for more information, or follow us on social media @WSCSLions.



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