Welcome to Triad Moms On Main!

Welcome to Triad Moms On Main!

Welcome to Triad Moms On Main!  We know that the road through parenthood is never without mountains and valleys, and we are here to accompany you on that ride.  This website is your online magazine, filled with daily articles that range from “fun and free” to...
Braces – Ready or Not, Here We Come!

Braces – Ready or Not, Here We Come!

By TMoM team member Allison Tobey About three weeks ago, I left the pediatric dentist with my 11 year old son. The only thing I remember from that appointment was that he was ready for braces. So, I started my orthodontic research by asking, none other, than the women...
Navigating Parenthood and Uncovering Our Most Authentic Selves

Navigating Parenthood and Uncovering Our Most Authentic Selves

Written by Suzie Blackman, Founder+Instructor Synergy Winston-Salem, RYT 200, ACE CPT, Certified Holistic Health Coach (CHHC). Nothing reminds me more how much of a miracle in motion we are than watching this once tiny mustard seed that grew within me, transform and...
Questions to Ask Your Children at Every Age

Questions to Ask Your Children at Every Age

By TMoM Team Member Ellen Bryant Lloyd “Did you know that one of the best ways to learn about people is to ask them questions?” This was the first thing one of my teachers in elementary school asked our class on the opening day of school. She proceeded to ask each of...