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The Sunday Funnies ~ Facebook Hodgepodge

You’ve probably seen Rachel’s recent blog about Facebook posts – and if you haven’t – you need to read it. Funniest. Post. Ever! Well, she nailed it when it comes to the most annoying posts found on Facebook. But I have to say I love catching up on my News Feed every morning. You just never know what you’ll find.

This past week was especially entertaining and I collected a couple of posts, pictures and videos that were shared. It’s a hodgepodge of silliness that I thought you’d enjoy. Happy Sunday!



“Sleeping Beauty’s name is NOT Princess Areola… I knew it sounded wrong as soon as it left my lips… Apologies in advance to my daughter’s school if it gets repeated.”

“Watching ‘Wizard of the Boz’… my daughter asked, ‘Mommy, if we go to Kansas will there be no color?’…. That was followed by Judy Garland’s Somewhere Over The Rainbow….’Oh her boice is so bootiful like Lady Gaga!'”

“Our child, ever vigilant in his efforts to be class clown (even when not trying), lost in the first round of the spelling bee today when he was asked to spell the word ‘nibble’ and he said confidently n-i-p-p-l-e to squeals of laughter from his peers. It wasn’t until he was encouraged to always ask for a definition prior to spelling the word that he realized his error. He still feels robbed, but laughs every time he tells the story (and so do I).”

(And this one comes from Rachel’s daughter, Anna, who is on track to be just as funny as her mom!) “Attended Anna’s conference at schoo,l and as her teacher was showing us one of her math tests there was a question that had a picture of a square and a hexagon. The question said, “How are these two shapes alike?” Anna’s answer: They both cannot fly.”


It’s a good thing she checked her child’s second grade homework before it got turned in!

Yes, I know one of these people! This was a real family portrait-turned-Christmas card. Can you say “Awkward Family Photo”? This one made my day!
If texting was around when I was in college, this would have happened to me!

Have you seen this one with Snoop Dog and Martha? It’s been circulating Facebook ~ classic!

This one isn’t necessarily funny – but it was too cool not to share. Thanks to Rachel for contributing!

Another one from Rachel, and one all moms can appreciate!


Saw this on a friend’s post – wouldn’t we love it if our own vacuum worked this well?

Do you have something funny you’d like to share? Send it to us and we’ll run it in a future Sunday Funnies post. Just email me at Katie@TriadMomsOnMain.com.
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