Golf Anyone with Ryan Mihalko

Ryan Mihalko has 28 years of experience working with young people with physical activity.  He has had 15 years of experience running a golf camp in the Winston-Salem area.  Oak Valley Golf Course has been the main training course for all 15 years.  Their facilities are excellent and their staff is very supportive of growing the game of golf for all ages.
Ryan Mihalko has surrounded himself with assistants who share the love of golf and the love of working with young people.  This camp provides an environment that promotes learning, nurtures confidence, develops friendships, and a love for the game of golf.  We are limited to 30 participants per session.  Age range rising 1st graders through 5th graders.  With the great success over the years, we will have 2 dates for the golf camp this summer:
July 8 through 12
July 29 through August 2
The Daily Schedule –
*9:00 – Drop off golfers at the Reynolda Presbyterian Church parking lot (2200 Reynolda Road, Winston-Salem) where we will check them in and board the bus.
*9:25-9:30 Arrive at Oak Valley Golf Course Monday-Wednesday or Other Par 3 course on Thursday and Friday.
*9:30-12:00 – Work on our golf game/mechanics on the driving range/putting green/chipping green or par 3 golf course; Snack will be given around 10:30.
*12:00-12:30 Eat lunch that is provided
*12:30-1:40 – Transport to the pool to cool off from the awesome day on the course.
*1:55 – Arrive back at the Reynolda Presbyterian Church parking lot for the 2:00 pick up.
This golf camp has been such a success because the focus is on the growth, development, and enjoyment of golf for every golfer.  We see great progress in such a short time.  I look forward to continuing to work with the golfers this year.  Bring your great attitudes and we will help you develop your golf game.
Camp Cost:
*One week fee $300.
*Enroll for two or three weeks and save.  Pay just $275 per week.
*Pay $150 per week to reserve your spot on the 30 camper roster; Remainder of balance due on July 1st for the July camps*
*Please click on the Venmo below to make your payment and secure your spot in the golf camp that you select:
*Please fill out the information on the document below to complete your registration for the Golf Anyone Camp.  See you on the course.
Newsletter for 6/19:
Golf Anyone with Ryan Mihalko
Learn how to enjoy golf with Ryan Mihalko at Oak Valley Golf Course and Tanglewood’s Par 3 Course.  Rising first graders through fifth graders learn to love the game of golf from 9 am until 2 pm.  They offer two sessions: July 8-21 and July 29-August 2.  Limited to 30 golfers per session.  Go to the attached link to register. (The golf flyer has the links for registration and for payment.)
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