Salem Sports Camp for Kids

By Allison Tobey

I am not sure what happened to our winter or spring, and at this point, I don’t really care! My kids and I have gotten a taste of summer these past few weeks and we are ready for our summer break to begin now. My kids have already started asking when our pool is going to open, when we are leaving for the beach and which week are we going to Salem Sports Camp. There are a lot of unknowns for our upcoming summer, but there are 3 definites…the pool, beach, and Salem Sports Camp for Kids.

This will be my 7 and 9 year olds 4th Summer attending Salem Sports Camp. It is the one camp that I drop my children off and know that they are going to have a blast, meet new friends, learn new sports and skills, and most importantly, be safe. The staff is incredible – it says so much about a camp when the same camp counselors come back year after year.

While at Salem Sports Camp, your kids will enjoy swimming, tennis, archery, lacrosse, golf, basketball, soccer, T-ball and much more. The camp starts at 8:30am and wraps up at 1pm, and includes a snack and nutritional, well-balanced lunch and a T-shirt for all campers. Also, this is one of the few “big kid” camps that starts at age 4 and goes through age 11.

This camp is held on the grounds of Salem Academy in Winston-Salem, but since the camp day is 4 1/2 hours, Triad families who may not live in Winston-Salem, can still sign their children up for this camp and have plenty of time to return home in between drop-off and pick-up.

Here’s the best part….THE PRICE! One week of camp is $149, and you can add additional weeks of camp for $134. There is also a 25% discount for each sibling that attends. Compare those prices to other camps around the Triad and I bet you can’t find many, if any, that can match that.

salemphoto.JPGWe would love to hear that more TMoM readers are exploring Salem Sports Camp for Kids this Summer!

The schedule for the 2012 Summer Camp Weeks are:

June 18 – 22
June 25 – 29
July 2 – 6 (no camp July 4) Rate is prorated this week to $119.
July 9 – 13

For more information and to register, go to, email or call 336-721-2732.

*Sponsored by Salem Sports Camp

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One Comment

  1. Not sure what was happening in 2011 and 2012, but parents should be aware that a nutritional and well-balanced lunch in 2017 is offered between sugary snacks and ice cream every day. My child was so sugared up that her sleep was disrupted and she had trouble getting up on time to finish out her week. Camp administration was entirely dismissive. So disappointed because otherwise the camp would be fabulous.

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