Seven Things To Say To Any Mom

By Guest Blogger Suzy Fielders

How many of you have seen those many, many lists going around along the lines of x amount of things you should NOT say to a working mom, stay-at-home mom, single mom, etc.?

Well… I hate those lists. Why? We are all moms just trying our best. Instead of focusing on what we shouldn’t be saying to one another, why don’t we embrace our motherhood and just support & uplift one another by telling each other nice things! The next time you are around a mom friend, talking online to one, or even meeting a new mom friend, and not sure of what to say … Here are seven things we really should say to other moms.

  1. You are awesome.

This simple, and to the point phrase will speak volumes to any mom. Again, we are just all trying our best, and let’s face it being a mom is tough! No matter what age kids get, parenting never really gets easier.

  1. It’s obvious how much you love your kids and they love you.

I don’t know about you, but as a mom this is probably the highest compliment someone could say to me. The fact that someone else can see the love between mother and child, and actually comment on it, is just about the kindest words a person can say.

  1. Want to have a mom’s night out and grab a glass of wine?

Every mom needs and deserves a break. Additionally, we absolutely should never feel guilty on wanting and taking those breaks. Down time for a mom, means a more relaxed and happy mom – and that’s just better for everyone. Don’t drink wine, don’t worry beer, coffee, tea… any beverage really can bring about mom bonding!

  1. What’s the funniest story you have from something your child has said?

There is a very good reason for the expression and old TV show “Kids say the darndest things,” because well they just do. Of course, we moms LOVE to share and hear these stories. They are fun and always provide a smile & laugh! Who couldn’t use an extra laugh in their day?

  1. Want to join us at (insert place) soon?

Just like mom’s night out, we really need kid play dates too. Even for older kids, they can have fun hanging out, while moms can chat and relax. We all get busy, so don’t always wait for an invitation… bring it up yourself and extend the invitation. And, once they say yes go ahead and make the plan. Again, we all get busy so just saying you’ll hang out often gets pushed aside so just go ahead and set a date/time/place while talking about it.

  1. Give ANY compliment… hair, shoes, kid’s clothes, kid’s behavior, accessories, etc.

Seriously, you can’t go wrong with a compliment. It’s basically a verbal smile. There is no doubt at all it will brighten that moms day, if even for a moment.

  1. You are doing a great job as a mom.

Yes, seems similar to #1, but the clarification can go a long way. I work in marketing and one of the biggest thing right now is REVIEWS! What better ‘mom review’ is there than someone specifically saying you are doing a great job as a mom?

So, try out one or all of these on your mom friends today. A couple of nice words can go such a long way! Forget the labels, working mom, single mom, stay at home mom, new mom, and just remember we are all in this crazy thing called motherhood together!

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