TMoM Holiday Traditions

By the TMoM Team

We asked our team and readers in our Facebook group for some of their favorite holiday traditions. It was so fun reading all the fun and unique activities everyone does to celebrate the season. Below are some quotes and photos from those that agreed to share their traditions on today’s blog!

Ashleigh Welder, TMoM Sales Representative

“Our family loves photos, so each of our children have a wreath hanging indoors with photo ornaments. Each year we choose a special photo to represent something wonderful that happened that year and add it in a photo ornament to the wreath. We have one for our family as well that has childhood photos of myself and my husband including photos of our wedding and family through the years. Plus, we also decorate our trees with photo ornaments, and they are our most favorite thing! I buy ornaments with the year on them and add one of each child as well as some family photos and some of the siblings together.”

Ashleigh Holiday Traditions

Britney Dent, TMoM Reader & Guest Blogger

“One of our favorite holiday traditions in the Winter is visiting family and friends in Florida. The weather is moderate and the décor is magnificent. There is lots to do and plenty of sunshine, even in December and January. It truly is “magical”!”

Britney Holiday Traditions

Dana Harrell, TMoM Reader

“Our favorite holiday tradition ever since my 15-year-old was born has been to gift holiday pj’s on Christmas Eve, bake cookies for Santa together, and read ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas before bed. Now the kids take turns reading it but it’s been pretty much the same for 15 years and it’s my favorite part.”

Dani Luft, TMoM Sales Representative

“One of our favorite family holiday traditions is when we put on our pajamas, pack individual bags of popcorn, marshmallows and hot chocolate and drive around Greensboro to see the neighborhood lights. Although we celebrate Hannukah, we still enjoy the holiday season and showing our kids the beauty of the holiday and to accept and respect everyone’s celebrations and religions.”

Dani Holiday Traditions

Jeana Thomason, TMoM Instagram Manager

“Every year my family receives matching pajamas to wear on Christmas Day. This is a family tradition that has been done every year since we were babies, it is a way to bring our family closer together. We love this tradition because every year we look forward to seeing what kind of pajamas we get. Sometimes they are funny pajamas and sometimes they are just cute!”

Jeana Holiday Traditions

Laura Dydek, TMoM Sales Representative

“We started doing a Christmas Countdown on George’s second Christmas. We list small, simple tasks we can do each day of December until Christmas to get in the Holiday Spirit. I let him add a sticker after we have completed each task and always try to document each activity with pictures to be able to look back on in future years. We have a lot of fun. This is from his first year doing it, so some activities have changed as he’s grown, but the ideas stay the same!”

Laura Holiday Traditions

Suzy Fielders, TMoM Co-Manager

“When my now 16-year-old daughter was much younger and I was a single mom, she couldn’t do much in the way of decorating the tree. So, to help her feel involved in the whole process we started a tradition of watching Christmas movies and drinking hot chocolate while decorating the tree. As she got older she’s able to help with the tree, but we still kept the movies and cocoa around while decorating the tree and house. Our family has grown since then after I got married and my husband is part of our tradition now. When our six-month old daughter and soon-to-be born baby are old enough they will be part of it too!”

Suzy Holiday Traditions

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