You Are Invited to Peppercornival!
I am always looking for events where the entire family can spend time together. Next weekend on Sunday, July 29, 2012 your whole family can join in the fun at Peppercornival!
This event is brought to you by Peppercorn Children’s Theatre, which was born to share the artistic energy of UNCSA students with the Winston Salem community. Join Peppercorn for this season finale celebration! This family friendly event is fun for all ages, 2-102, so don’t miss out on the games, food, entertainment, music and so so so much more. Tickets are $10 per person, however, adults get free admission with the admission of a child. All proceeds will benefit the continuation of Peppercorn for many years to come.
We hope to see you there! You can also pick up a free TMoM magnet for our contest while you are there!
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