10 Reasons Why Fortnite Isn’t All That Bad

By Rachel Hoeing

For the past year, the game of Fortnite has been a thorn in my side. I have a 15 year-old son, and this video game has brought unto us a constant argument of when he can play, how long he can play, etc. The school year was tough as we endured many verbal battles, but we finally agreed upon Fortnite time only on the weekends, and the amount of time spent playing depended upon grades and respect toward parents. As summer got closer, I decided we would lighten up a little bit since he did secure a summer job and is also involved with summer swimming. Fortnite would be a good way to spend some downtime while keeping things balanced.

After allowing him to play a decent amount over the past month, I have realized that it’s not all that bad. Yes, I could easily come up with a list of 10 reasons why I hate the game, including the fact that it’s addictive, it’s based on shooting others, kids can seclude themselves, it can definitely amp up a kid’s attitude, etc. But I feel like times are changing and I, in turn, need to look at this realistically. In three more years my kid won’t be under my roof anymore, and he’ll have all the time in the world to play any video game he wants. I want to teach him balance while I have him here.

I’m sure parents of generations past had the same doubts and fears when the television came out, arcade games, the VCR, MTV, Nintendo, etc. We all fear the worst. But my thinking lately with Fortnite is that my son is old enough, social enough, and active enough to handle playing this game without it hindering any of these aspects of his life. (For now anyway. I never say never!) So, I decided to look at the positive side of Fortnite and came up with the list below. I hope it helps some of you to feel a little better about the time your child might be spending playing this game.

1. You Hear Your Child Laughing – Most of us with teens and tweens are pretty used to grouchy-ness, eye rolling, and attitudes. It’s tough when the kid who was so happy all the time seems to sulk around the house. It’s hormones, and stats have proven time and time again that this too, shall pass, but in the meantime, it is so heart-warming to hear genuine laughter coming from my son as he plays this game with his friends. He told me about how his “squad” hid in a tree the other night and were undetectable for quite some time. He and his friends had the best time laughing and enjoying the game.

2. They Practice Teamwork – Piggy-backing on my comment above, your child can bond with friends by forming teams and working together. They have to practice communication skills as they navigate the game. Sometimes my son will play with friends in the same room in our home, but sometimes they are each in their own homes and they must really pay attention to what others are saying in order to work together and succeed.

3. It’s a Great Topic of Conversation – Ever sat with a teenager who only grunts and groans answers to questions? If they are a Fortnite player, all you have to do is say the word and you’ll hear a 15 minute dissertation about the game, successes they have had, how they play, etc. Teens will talk when it’s a topic they enjoy, so give it a try! Even better – sit next to them during their next “battle.” One of my friends told me that he sits with his 13-year-old quite a bit while he plays because it’s a great way to bond with him. My son also told me he played a game the other day with an entire family! (Mom, Dad, son and daughter were all chiming in through their headsets and having a great time playing together.)

4. It’s Excellent Leverage – Need your car washed? The dog walked? Dishwasher emptied? Let your child earn Fortnite time in exchange for chores. Works like a charm! Back to our family’s agreement from the school year – it was also valuable leverage when it came to respect toward parents. I witnessed my son bite his tongue so many times because he knew a word of disrespect would end with a loss of video game time.

5. You Know Exactly Where Your Child Is – He’s not drinking and driving. He’s not vandalizing a school. He’s not beating up the kid down the street. He’s in the next room on the XBox. I’ll take the latter.

6. Critical Thinking Skills – Once I actually tried to understand the game, I realized that it really does help kids with their thinking skills. They have to outwit, outlast, and outsmart all the other players. (Yes, I copied that line from Survivor.) They have to plan ahead and think outside the box. It takes some smarts!

7. No Arguing with Siblings – This can go two ways – in my house, when my son is on XBox, that means he is not tormenting his sister. He usually defaults to sister tormenting as his favorite pastime, but Fortnite can easily take the place of this! In the case of one of my friends, she has two sons who love playing XBox together. She claimed it is one of her favorite times because she loves hearing them laugh and bond.

8. Connecting with New and Old Friends – My son is currently playing games with our best bud who moved to California, my cousin in PA, and a new buddy, Elliot, who he found because of their similar skill levels. They are on opposite sides of the country, but have bonded and always look for each other when they log on! Yes, I know it’s difficult to grasp this “virtual friends” thing for those of us who did not grow up in an era where we could connect online, but the world is changing. People find spouses now through dating websites. Moms find best friends by talking in chat rooms and Facebook pages. And, our kids are going to make friends by connecting through video games. I think it is such a cool thing to stay connected to their family & friends who live far away. (Please talk to your kids about how to connect with others, predator dangers, not giving out personal info, etc. This article shares great info.)

9. It’s Free – As with most things, you can of course get upgrades and extras by paying, but as a basic game, Fortnite is free fun!

10. It Might Be Something In Which Your Kid Excels – Not every child is an MVP of their sports team. Not every kid is a top scholar. Not every kid is musically inclined. Not every kid is cut out for leadership. For the ones who don’t have these aforementioned talents, how great does it feel to them to win a Fortnite game and finally find their niche? There’s no greater feeling.

OK, I’m braced. I’m ready. Let me have it – yell at me because I’m damaging my teen by letting him play these games. (Actually please don’t – let’s talk rationally!) Each family has to make the decisions that are best for their children because every child and every situation is different. Again, I know there are downfalls, but I hope some of my points today will resonate with you if you are on the fence with this game. But most of all, I hope this will help end a long string of arguments and create a happier atmosphere in your home like it did in mine.

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  1. I love FN and I’m not addicted to it. I at leas play an hour and turn it off and go study. It is a fun game and I love to pay it with my friends (they are boys)(I’m a girl)and I usually play on Sundays =)

    1. Never again! FN is the gateway to hell. Its banned in my home. If you want the recipe for disaster, look no further. Your kid will turn down a trip to disney because they cant miss the upcoming battle. I removed it and after 2 weeks of withdraws, I got my boys back <3

  2. My nine year old says that he can’t get anywhere without having vbucks or purchasing weapons/clothing. Is this true? He gets frustrated when defeated in less than 60 seconds. Can he get further with practice or does everyone lose unless they pay real money? He’s only had it a week.

    1. I checked with my son on this and he said that you definitely don’t need all the extras. His quote “You can still do everything that everyone else can. The more you play, the better you get. It helps to start playing with friends who you know are your same age.”

    2. Paying money has gives you no advantage while playing. Paying money on fortnite can give you a skin which changes the appearance of your character making you look cooler.

    3. No. You don’t need v-bucks or the battle pass to win a victory royal. All you need is practice (IM A GIRL PLAYING FN AND I PRACTCE A LOT)

    4. he needs to practice more and do not let him get in game currency it has no advatenge what so ever

  3. Rachel,

    How much time is your son allowed to play? My boys love it! The 13 y/o gets bored after a couple of hours and will leave to do something else. My15 y/o is flat out addicted. He would stay up all night playing if I let him and could not name 3 things that he liked doing as much or more than Fortnite. We only allowed them to play on the weekends, but it was still way too much! So I deleted it from their phones and physically take the control so I know when they are playing. The only way they can earn time to play is by reading and then it’s minute for minute. The beginning of the summer was tough, on all of us, but things have leveled off. I feel like he is a happier and more himself with less Fortnite.

    1. Right now it is different every day. If he is working, he honestly doesn’t have much time to play during the day due to that, swim practice, chores, etc. He does like to play BBall outside, so we encourage that during the day and to save XBox for evening. So, he has gotten into the habit of playing most nights we are at home. He gets on after dinner and plays until 11pm. That is a non-negotiable time to log off each night unless he has friends over. I completely agree that the attitude is 100% better when time is limited. We learned that the hard way last summer!

  4. I couldn’t agree any more with your points. I am 30 years old and have been a “gamer” my entire life. I could write a book on how beneficial gaming has been to my life. I attribute a lot of my success in college and the business world to my years spent forming relationships through gaming. It taught me so much: leadership, teamwork, critical thinking skills, discernment, confidence, and the list could go on and on. I went on to play professionally in 2007-2008 which helped pay for college. I was able to make dozens, if not hundreds, of good friends from online gaming. Even today one of my very best friends (in both my weddings) I met through gaming. Yes – I play and have played the most “hated” games that the media stereotypes from World of Warcraft, SOCOM, Call of Duty and Battlefield. Obviously – I did this while playing four sports, maintaining grades, graduating at the top of my class and having a full time job. (only PT in High School) Every kid is different, and every situation or circumstance can warrant different opinions but for me, it was and has been, one of the greatest hobbies to have. And, for the record, Fortnite is a great game, probably one of the best free to play games on the market.

  5. Great blog, Rachel, and I agree with all these points BUT it is still a thorn in our side in our house. Our problem: my 11-year-old son would seriously play this game all day if we didn’t make him stop and do something else. It’s become a crutch for him in our house – now he always has something to do instead of trying to find something to do. Thankfully he has had other things going on this summer to make him get out, but we are constantly telling him to get off the game and go outside. He used to go outside all the time, but not so much anymore. His new MO is to play the game mainly after dinner but then it’s a battle to get him to stop for a decent bed time hour. He has friends on there ALL THE TIME – including cousins who live far away (so that is cool) – and at least he is not playing against creepy strangers – BUT he is fortnighting his summer away. This will be just a passing fad, right? Sigh.

    1. Definitely set some guidelines and limits. You can give a max # of hours per day, or you can have him earn screen time by doing things like reading, playing outside, chores, etc. I would definitely set some boundaries because they have a hard time doing that themselves!

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