Advertising your small business on Triad Moms on Main is a great way to reach customers in Greensboro, Winston-Salem, High Point and beyond. Our platform offers online business advertising that connects you directly with customers who are looking for local products and services. Whether you’re just starting out or want to expand your reach, we help market your business online in an effective and affordable way.
With a focus on marketing local businesses, we offer small business advertising tailored to your needs. Our blog reaches a dedicated audience, allowing you to showcase your offerings through targeted ads and sponsored content. By partnering with us, you’ll gain visibility and build a strong connection with potential customers in the community. Let us be your go-to small business marketing company, offering a marketing strategy designed to help your business grow. Reach your ideal audience today with our trusted online advertising services.
Why advertise with Triad Moms on Main?
Our website launched in October of 2010. We are an all-inclusive resource for parents that features daily blogs, directories, a detailed local events calendar, contests and giveaways. Our website explores new topics daily through our blog – from how to find the right school or summer camp for your child, to showcasing local restaurants and birthday party venues. Our team focuses on needs and interests of parents raising children in the Triad while also hosting guest blogs from a variety of viewpoints.
Current stats:
* Average of 75,000+ pageviews per month
* 25,000+ newsletter subscribers
* 22,000+ Facebook followers
* 15.7K Instagram followers
Triad Moms on Main website readership includes the entire Triad, NC area and spans from Yadkinville to Burlington (east to west) and Eden to Lexington (north to south).
Want to know specific demographics about our readers? Email us and we are happy to share details.
*NOTE: Once a signed contract and/or payment is received, the ad run date will be reserved. Run dates and edits to your ad may be modified prior to the purchased ad run, but all sales are final.
Ad Options
Businesses may choose to advertise with TMoM in a variety of ways. All of our advertising options include social media perks!
1. Banner Ads
These are typically a business logo. These can run in various places on our website. Price depends upon placement, rotation and size of the banner ad.
2. Newsletter Sponsorship
Triad Moms on Main sends out a weekly e-newsletter every Wednesday. A business can submit editorial content on the Wednesday newsletter.
3. Daily Blog
One of the prime features of our website is our daily blog. Each day we run a new article which is posted at midnight. These articles/blogs usually contain 400-700 words of text and range in topic from personal stories to parenting tips, to advertisements. A business may choose to purchase a daily blog spot and have that day’s article focus solely on their business. This may be written by a TMoM member for an additional charge.
4. Friday Finds
This feature runs every Friday and is a compilation of short advertisements. You may use this space to promote an event, a business in general, or a product.
5. Giveaway
We have the ability to run two giveaways simultaneously every two weeks. You will see these on the home page the website and by clicking “giveaways” under the “by topic” tab. Your business can sponsor a giveaway and receive this two-week promotion. The giveaway prize must total at least $100. At the end of the giveaway promotion, your business will receive a list of email addresses from readers who have asked to be added to your newsletter list.
6. Featured Event
Your special event can be featured at the top of our Events page for two weeks. The write up will include basic information such as date, time, location, and link to a website, and a brief description about the event as well as one image or your logo.