5 Tips for Making YOU Time

By Coach Debbie, Coach Emily and Coach Kate from Momsanity

Let us cut to the chase.  You’re short on time, but as-is the norm in the world of moms, your to-do list is a mile long.  Don’t stress! We have come up with 5 CREATIVE ways to actually get MORE stuff done in LESS time!  This way, you have TIME TO YOURSELF… do you even remember what “ME TIME” is?!

1.        Set a timer. 

You have ___ minutes to get ____ done.  I set a timer on my phone or microwave.  Beat the clock.  This is great for getting dreaded household chores accomplished, knowing the seconds are ticking away.

2.       Outsource. 

Chances are your budget has little wiggle room for hiring chefs and chauffeurs.  That’s why you had kids!  Put them to work and reward them with a fun family activity or a dollar once it’s done right.  Even toddlers can put clean socks away.  Tweens want screen time and are fully capable of scrubbing and dusting.  Teenagers crave car keys and can do longer tasks that you dread.

3.       Loosen the reigns. 

I know you’re a mom who wants to do things “just so.”  It’s time to let that go.  For example, instead of dirty clothes that start on the floor then make it to a hamper then end up in a laundry basket then get separated into colors and whites then end up finally being washed, skip all that.  Your washing machine is the catch-all; when it’s full, hit “cold water” and “start.”  Boom. Sometimes “good enough” wins.

4.       Buy new toys for your kids.

What?!  This is about ME, not my KIDS!  Get some really cool toys that are fun and don’t involve parental help.  They are entertained and out of your hair.  You can actually read or email or nap without interruption!

5.        With or Without?

Ask yourself:  do I “recharge” when I’m with people or without people?  If you are a social creature, make a bi-monthly ‘appointment’ with a friend for coffee/lunch/dinner/drinks/shopping/etc.  If you prefer being alone, make a bi-monthly ‘appointment’ where you can have that quiet time at the house/mall/theater/restaurant/etc.  Hire a sitter, beg your spouse, or swap services with a friend.  You are worth it.

We know you can do it! Please share your own ideas below.

Kate, Debbie and Emily are part of the Momsanity Team, which is a community of Moms striving to achieve balance through physical, emotional and spiritual wellness. You can read more about this amazing program here.


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One Comment

  1. Two things I would add:
    1. Go for a run! Your family won’t want to come with you and it’s the perfect chance for alone time.
    2. Hide some toys at the end of each month. Then whip them out a couple of months later and they’ll be like new again. If your kids have a bunch of toys they really won’t notice and then it will help you get better use out of the ones they hardly play with. If you keep a couple of bins in rotation they’ll always have “new” toys.

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