Birthday Party Goody Bags: Love ’em or Hate ’em?

I am not a fan of Birthday Party treat bags. I don’t remember giving out goody bags at my birthday parties when I was growing up, nor do I remember receiving them. I remember cake, ice cream, maybe a balloon to take home … that was it. The party itself was enough of a “treat” to make everyone happy.

So when did this goody bag phase start and why in the world do I feel compelled to follow suit?

When I first had children I noticed many goody bags were filled with “junk” meaning plastic tops, candy, erasers, etc. This is a great idea for the mom who purchased the bags because it is inexpensive. For the child who brings home the bag … mom is not too thrilled because she knows she will find each and every item in that bag on the floor, under beds, in drawers, etc over the course of the next year.

As time went by I realized that other moms started noticing the same thing about the “junk bags” and we all tried our best to give “better” goody bags. Our idea was to give one item that might actually be useful. For example; a pool noodle, a CD of the child’s favorite music, a small gift card for ice cream, nail polish, baseball cards, etc. This was a great idea, but the cost of the goody bags was getting a little ridiculous.

This past year when it came time for my daughter’s 8th birthday, I was literally out of time to plan ahead. We had just gotten back into town and I realized I didn’t have goody bags prepared. We hopped over to the dollar store and I ended up with the typical junk bag full of candy. I hated to do it, but factoring in my time and my budget … it happened.

Five days later was my son’s birthday and again I was again at a loss for ideas. I asked my son what a bunch of 10 year old boys would like to have in their goody bags. His reply, “Mom, we are ten. We don’t need goody bags any more.”

Haaallelujah! Haaallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Haaalleeeeeluuuuuujah!

I heard the angles singing. My prayers had been answered. My son’s party came and went and not one child asked me where his goody bag was. It was fantastic!

So I am thinking I am at the end of the goody bag years and I am thrilled, but I have much sympathy for those of you who are just starting in on the birthday parties. So I want to know … are you going to follow suit and give out treats at the end of your children’s birthday parties?  And will you do it because you feel you have to, or do you really think they are a great idea? Or on the other hand, will you take the “old school” stance and state that a party and cake is treat enough and skip the goody bag? Please share!

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  1. I totally agree! I never understood nor agreed with this concept when my kids were little. So on their birthdays I would go to the dollar tree and buy a bunch of useful things (like a noodle for the pool) and put them in a giant container (treasure chest) and the kids got to chose one. I remember one year even the parents liked the idea so much that they even got in on the fun. (That was the year I bought several fuzzy scarfs)

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