Caldwell Academy: A Classical, Christian, Community School

Sponsored by Caldwell Academy

What if there were a place…..

● Where children are taught how to think, not what to think?
● Where children learn to love that which is worth loving?
● Where children are known and cared for as unique individuals made in the image of God?
● Where children are encouraged to ask questions, seek truth, and desire wisdom?
● Where children are viewed as souls to be nourished, not products to be measured?
● Where children can grow in wisdom and virtue from early childhood to adulthood?
● Where education is a partnership between home and school?
● Where the Arts are an integral component of a liberal arts education?

● Where Athletics build character and athletes strive for excellence with nobility?
● Where Great Books transform thinking and fuel discussion?
● Where students study Science and Math to understand why and how, not just what?
● Where a thoughtful PreK-12 curriculum is taught by passionate, knowledgeable teachers?
● Where educational standards do not change at the whim of others?
● Where perseverance is encouraged and rewarded?
● Where students do more than learn how to make a living; they learn how to live?
● Where Jesus Christ is acknowledged as Lord?

There is a place.

Caldwell Academy
a Classical, Christian, Community School
Preschool through Twelfth Grade
Discover the Difference

Caldwell Academy will host four introductory events in May.

May 20 and 22 at 1 p.m.
Sneak Peek at Kindergarten event for parents and rising Kindergarten students. Our kindergarten teachers will lead students as they create a craft, eat a snack, explore our Kindergarten classrooms, and play outside. Parents will enjoy an informative tour of our school campus.

May 20 and 22 at 9:30 a.m.
Kindergarden-5th grade Coffee event for parents: Please join us for coffee, a tour of our campus, and information about our Grammar school and new full-day kindergarten program.

Visit the school website at

RSVP appreciated but not necessary.
(336) 665-1161 or

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