Calvary Day School: A School of Service

By Guest Blogger Julie Galloway, Marketing and Communications at CDS, mom of three CDS students

“Serve one another humbly in love” – Galatians 5:3

I don’t know about you, but the news these days breaks my heart! There is sadness and hurt on every corner. However, there is so much good also that needs to be shared! That is what I teach my kids and always try to remember; find the good, find the helpers. There are always helpers and good people in the hard times! Our family has chosen to send our kids to a school that teaches beyond the classroom and focuses on being a School of Service. Serving others at Calvary Day School is more than just telling the kids that it is important, but rather focuses throughout the year on HOW they can serve others and WHY they serve others. The point of the CDS School of Service is to weave serving into life, to make it a part of what our kids do daily.

Last week, the Upper School (7th – 12th grades) took an entire school day to saturate our community with service and love.  Here are the stats:

  • 365 students and staff participated in the SOS Project Day
  • Over 2,400 hours of service in ONE DAY
  • 25 different charities and ministries were touched by their efforts
  • Over 11,000 pounds of food were sorted and boxed at Second Harvest Food Bank (that equals nearly 9,400 meals to hungry families)
  • We cared for elderly, loved on families, made crafts for Meals on Wheels to deliver with the food, beautified campuses, read to children, and supported animals in locals shelters.
  • It was a GREAT day!

WOW! And guess what? This was just ONE day. There is more service and love to come from the students and staff at this school! THIS makes my heart happy! THIS is what life is about! And THIS is what my kids are being taught! There is more to success than the classroom. Don’t get me wrong, the classroom is necessary, important, and a large focus at CDS; but our school understands that there is so much more. Graduates of CDS have gone on to the top colleges and universities in the country and the world, but they have also not forgotten the importance of serving and loving our neighbors. CDS graduate and the Domestic Violence Prosecutor in Forsyth County, Molly-Catherine Goodson (M.A., Esq., CDS Class of 2007) says, “Most importantly, Calvary taught me to love people by teaching me what it looks like to serve in the community and helped prepare my heart for the future God has planned for me. Today, by God’s grace and loving kindness, I have the opportunity to work in Winston-Salem as an advocate for victims of child abuse and domestic violence. Through my work, I have the opportunity to walk alongside people in some of their most difficult days.”

As an employee of the school, I can tell you the service attitude comes from the top and within. The administration, teachers, and all staff genuinely love and serve each other and the school families. It is real, it is genuine, and it is founded in Christ’s love.

As a parent of students at the school, I am eternally grateful that this important characteristic is ingrained in all aspects of my children’s education and activities. Starting in my youngest child’s 2-year-old preschool class, I know that my kids are learning and being shown a heart that serves and loves others because Jesus served and loved us. They will continue to know the value of helping their neighbor because our school partners with my husband and me in teaching this important lesson. My 6-year-old recently moved me to tears when he noticed and helped a smaller child at Chick-fil-A that was scared and looking for his mom. He saw the child before I did, grabbed his hand, and led him to me to get help. He kept reassuring the little boy that it would be okay and we would find his mom (and we did; she was in the bathroom with his sibling). I know his heart for others is already forming at a young age because of the environment he is in, seeing it modeled every day, and I couldn’t be more proud!

If you would like to learn more about what Calvary Day School has to offer in all aspects of school life, we would love to have you on campus for a tour and information session so you can see The Calvary Difference!

High School Preview Night – Jan. 8th at 7pm

Middle School Preview Night – Jan. 22nd at 7pm

Kindergarten Preview Morning – Jan. 23rd at 9:15am

To register for any of these events, join us for an open house, or for more information, please visit our website:


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