Detecting Early Signs of Dyslexia Can Make a Difference

Sponsored by Triad Academy, written by Carrie W. Malloy, Director, Triad Academy

A child comes home from school each day frustrated that he can’t keep up. He’s not able to participate in class and bursts into tears during homework time. He is becoming socially withdrawn from his peers and his self- esteem is deteriorating. These may be signs that your child is struggling with a language- based learning disability like dyslexia. Today 40% of American children have difficulty in reading or learning to read. Three quarters of students who read poorly in third grade will be poor readers in high school. It’s important to pay attention to these queues and act upon them right away.

Early markers of reading difficulties can be identified as young as four years of age. If intervention does not take place by the time a child is in third grade, the chance of closing the gap between potential and performance is less than 20%. At Triad Academy, I see this statistic play out each year as many of our young students come to us, essentially as non-readers, making exponential and multi-year gains in reading and written language, often in a few short months’ time.

As both a parent and a teacher, I know how important it is to find the right educational environment for your child, where he or she can be successful academically and emotionally. If you believe that your child may have a language-based learning disability, I invite you to visit Triad Academy.

Triad Academy is hosting an open house for admissions for the 2011-2012 school year on Thursday, February 10 from 9-11 am. Coffee is at 9 am; a general meeting is at 9:15 with tours to follow. The snow date is Thursday, February 17. RSVP to Lisa Krallis-Nixon, Admissions Director at 775-4900, ext. 127 For more information about Triad Academy, visit the website at

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