Ellen’s Book Nook —March 2019

By Guest Blogger Ellen Bryant Lloyd 

Win a book of your choice from today’s blog! (Read to the end to find out more!)

Welcome March — the month of renewal and growth. It’s the time when everything seems to come alive again after the dark, cold days of winter. The selections this month feature stories of renewal, growth, resilience and bravery. While the characters in each book have different circumstances and challenges, they are each given opportunities to search for inner strength, face fears and emerge in a new, better way. Enjoy!

Preschool — Jamberry by Bruce Degen

This classic book was a favorite on my children’s bookshelf when they were young. The great play on words and beautiful illustrations make this a fun read, time and time again. The story features the adventures of a young boy and friendly bear as they search for berries to pick along the way — in a canoe, under a bridge, over the dam… It’s a perfect read-aloud book with catchy phrasing and fun all around.

Pre-K to Early Elementary — When You Are Brave by Pat Zietlow Miller and illustrated by Eliza Wheeler

This is a wonderful picture book with a powerful message of encouragement for young and old. Everyone faces difficult times and sometimes scary times. The unknown can make these times seem even harder. In this story, a young girl faces many fears and unknowns as she moves to a new home. She realizes that during these times, it is important to dig deep, and find the courage to be brave. This inspirational book will be helpful to children going through any challenging situation.

Older Elementary/Early Middle School — Ghost (Track) by Jason Reynolds

This book is part of a delightful, inspiring series and nominated by PBS’s The Great American Read as one of America’s best-loved novels. It was also a National Book Award Finalist for Young People’s Literature.

In this story, Ghost has a goal to be the fastest sprinter on his middle school track team. He is one of four, very different kids selected from this team who all have a chance to qualify for the Junior Olympics. This foursome will have to overcome their differences and work together to make this dream a reality. The coach is an ex-Olympic medalist who sees unbelievable talent in Ghost, but knows Ghost can’t tap into his raw talent until he stops running from his past and decides to face his challenges. Will he overcome his challenges and realize his dream? Read to find out!

Young Adult — Red Queen by Victoria Avey

This book came highly recommended by a mother/daughter fan duo of the series. The first book in the series, Red Queen, introduces a world divided by blood. Red-blooded people serve the silver-blooded elite who have superhuman abilities. Mare Barrow has red blood and lived as a thief in a rural village. That is, until she somehow finds herself in the Silver court where she discovers unique abilities. The king, shocked at this realization, covers up this knowledge by promising her to one of his sons. What follows takes readers on a journey that includes matters of the heart, rebellion, betrayal and a dangerous game.

Moms — More Than Words by Jill Santopolo

This sophomore novel is by the New York Times bestselling author of The Light We Lost. Nina Gregory, daughter of the owner of the Gregory Hotels, grew up being taught that her that family, reputation and legacy are of the utmost importance. This belief was shared by Tim, her boyfriend and best friend since childhood. After her father’s death, Nina discovered a shocking secret and begins to see all the men in her life in a new light. This story is about love, loss, grief and making decisions about the life we are meant to live.

Win a book of your choice from today’s blog! 
Remember to share your thoughts and comments, and you could be selected to win a copy of one of the books, compliments of Barnes & Noble, Friendly Shopping Center, Greensboro. The staff of Triad Moms on Main will choose a random winner one week after the blog runs. (Please be sure to enter your email address when you fill out your comment so they have a way to contact you.)

Ellen Bryant Lloyd is the author of FRECKLES and FRECKLES and The Great Beach Rescue. Please visit www.funwithfreckles.com and www.facebook.com/funwithfreckles to learn more about Freckles. Ellen writes a blog about her perspectives on life and parenting at www.mindfulmom.wordpress.com and tweets at @EllenBLloyd. She lives in Greensboro with her husband and two children.


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  1. Oh Wow! That is a tough call between You Are Brave and More Than Words! They both look amazing! Thanks for always adding to my “to read” list 🙂

  2. Love the preschool and pre-k options!!! And the one for moms just went on my “want to read” list!

  3. I love what all these books represent. Facing challenges and learning to overcome them. We could all use more of that

  4. Ghost Track sounds like a book my son would like to read. He only likes to read books about sports these days and it is hard to find books at all that he will read. He struggles with reading, but is improving each year.

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