Fatherly Fridays

Happy early Father’s Day! It’s a perfect weekend to introduce a new blog series on TMoM. This summer we are searching for a different perspective on parenting and we are hoping to get that perspective from local dads!

Every Friday this summer we will feature “Fatherly Fridays” which will include a post from a local dad. These posts may be humorous, insightful, factual, random ramblings, advice-filled  … the sky is the limit.

If you are a dad or know a dad who has something to share, please email us! We can chat with him about blogging for us and help him come up with a specific topic if he needs help narrowing it down. He does not need to be a writer, so please be assured that we can help edit if needed.

Please email Rachel@triadmomsonmain.com and tell us a little about the dad who you think would be a great guest blogger on our website this summer. We already have a handful of local dads lined up and are super excited about the thoughts they have to share.

Tune in next week for our first “Fatherly Friday” of the season and be sure to comment on these guest blogs! Feedback that our bloggers receive is what keeps them going and writing more. It also helps us to see what you like and what you would like to see more of!

Stay tuned …

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