Favorite Find: SizeTracker.com
It’s the simple truth: I just don’t spend a lot on my kids clothes. I wish I did, wish I could, but I just can’t wrap my brain or wallet around spending a lot on clothes that will most likely end up stained, ripped, or outgrown in one season. We’ve been fortunate in that we still receive hand-me-downs that are in great shape as well as outfits every now and then from a Granny who loves to shop. So my shopping is usually to fill in here and there.
Even with the little shopping I do, I worry I will buy a size I think my child will be wearing, but when the season comes, lots of times it doesn’t fit. So when I foundwww.SizeTracker.com on Consignment Mommies I was thrilled to have a tool that helps me shop smart. I can even shop end-of-season sales without worry (something I never dared before!). Check out my new favorite find…
SizeTracker takes the guess work out of finding the best size of clothing for a child, as well as predicting what size a child will wear on a future date and when a child will grow into a size. It’s a free online tool and it tracks over 300 brands’ size charts – newborn to tween. I was psyched to see Crazy 8 listed as one brand it tracks. I love that store but everything I buy in advance tends to be outgrown after just a few wears.
So here’s what you do. When you log onto the site, you can immediately start using its size chart calculator. However, if you set up a free profile and become a member, SizeTracker can store all of your information and keep sizes for your favorite brands current as long as you update your child’s measurements. Not only does it make shopping so much easier and less confusing, but it also helps save you time!
Some of the key tools and services provided by SizeTracker are:
Children’s Clothing Size Chart Calculator: Find current and future clothing sizes by brand for your child’s measurements, as well as calculate when your child will grow into too-large gifts or hand-me-downs.
Quick Fit Finder: Find clothing brands suited to your little girl’s or boy’s unique body shape.
Kids Shoe Size Calculator: Find the best fit for your child’s feet.
Kids Growth Chart Calculator: Calculate your child’s height and weight growth percentile.
Kids BMI Calculator: Find your child’s body mass index and percentile.
Gift Finder: Finding clothing gifts that are suitable for a child’s age and size.
Try it and let me know what you think! Or if you’ve been using it for a while, let us know how it’s worked for you. Gotta go…I’m heading to the mall right now