Find Your Tribe as a Mom of Multiples

By Guest Blogger Jessie Ballard

Parenting multiples is different, there’s no doubt about it. Parents of multiples can’t always take well meaning advice from singleton parents, and multiples can be overwhelming for even the most seasoned parent.

That’s where MoM (mothers of multiples) groups come into play.

I was introduced to Greensboro Mothers of Multiples by a friend who also has twins. She let me know the first meeting was free and to come to the next one. It happened to be the first meeting of the club’s year. I didn’t know when I went in there just how life changing it would be.

A lot of my confidence as a mother has come from being a part of this group. They provide advice, support, encouragement, laughs, hand me downs, among a million other things to mothers, and soon to be mothers of multiples. The inexpensive yearly dues are well worth every single benefit I’ve gotten from being a member.

MoM groups are hidden gems that are invaluable to a new mom of multiples. It’s more than just a “mom group”, its:


My GMoMs are such a beautiful group of women. And any chance I get to be around them, I take it! I look forward to the second Monday of each month when I get to leave my kids at home for a few hours and enjoy some time with a group of sassy, experienced ladies, who remind me that no matter how crazy something is, it’s totally normal.

Not only do we get together and chat at meetings, but we also learn and have fun. There are guest speakers who have spoken to us about dental hygiene, parenting through challenging behaviors, and fostering children. I never leave a meeting without having learned SOMETHING.

Consignment Sales:

The twice yearly consignment sale is a HUGE part of GMoM. Held in the spring and the fall, the consignment sale gets bigger every year. The selection of items is extensive, and the pricing is amazing. I have found so many good items for my own twins when I’ve shopped the consignment sale.

Play Dates:

There’s never a shortage of opportunities to get the kids together for a play date. With multiple outings a week, and some on weekends, there’s always a time to get together. And if you don’t see one at a time that works for you? Create one! Anyone is welcome to plan a play date!

Another awesome part of getting together with fellow MoMs and their kids? We all band together! It takes a village and no one understands that better than my MoMs. Their kids are my kids and my kids are their kids. It’s the only way to survive! We band together and look out for one another. Need to take a kid to the bathroom? The MoMs will watch the other one! Lost your hair tie? We’ve got you! You are never alone when you’re with the MoMs.

Moms Night Out:

Need a break? Need some time away from your significant other and kids? Want to just hang out with other moms who are in the trenches with you? GMoM does monthly Moms Night Out! It can be anything from dinner to a craft night in, but it’s a guaranteed good time!

These are just a few of the benefits I’ve gotten from being in a MoM group. Joining GMoM has been one of these best things I could do for myself. It’s important to find a group that you can so closely relate to, especially when you’re a mom of multiples. I didn’t realize that until I attended my first meeting. MoMs get it, and they can help you navigate your own journey. I truly believe every MoM should be a part of their nearest
MoM group.

Greensboro Mothers of Multiples and Twin City Moms of Multiples are both local chapters of Multiples of America. If you’re not local, visit to find your nearest chapter.

For more information on GMoM and TCMoM, visit their websites:

Greensboro Mothers of Multiples:

Twin City Moms of Multiples:


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