Help Your Teen Find a Job with Teen Job Prep

By Guest Blogger By Marci Kawar

Does your teenager need a job, but isn’t sure where to start?  Does even the thought of looking for a job feel overwhelming and intimidating to them?  Yes, it’s tough these days. With so many academic and social pressures, the idea of getting a job can be the tipping point for some. It’s a shame really. The tools that teens gain from working, are skills that are truly hard to find elsewhere. Where else can they learn so intimately about money management, conflict resolution and respect?  A job is the perfect place! But there is always so much hesitancy. How can I find a job? What should I put on my resume? What do I say at the interview?

Step in Teen Job Prep. They’ve taken the mystery and anxiety out of the whole job process, and actually made the idea of getting a job – fun! They cater specifically to teens who have little or no experience and prepare them in so many ways for their journey ahead.

To start with, their custom resume builder is focused on teens who don’t have a lot to put on a resume. Their unique format, focuses on relevant coursework, community service, hobbies…. Plus they make it so easy to use! After answering some questions and choosing a template, teens will have a professional resume ready to download so they can send it off to prospective employers. And if they need to create different resumes for different jobs – no problem! They’ll have 30 days to create as many as they need!

The next key thing that they offer, is their engaging animated video training. Here, they focus on so many useful things, like how to find a job, how to interview, and what to expect from a potential employer. Their five part series is comprised of short, fun videos, which allow teens to follow Jack, a 15 year old job seeker, through every step of his job journey.  They’ll watch as Jack learns the best ways to look for a job, how to apply, and even follow him on his first job interview!  Finally, they’ll see what’s needed for him to keep his job! These engaging videos are short and to the point, offering important valuable tips and resources along the way. Watching Jack on his journey will help teens prepare and be prepared as they navigate their own job journies.

Finally, if your teen is just looking for information, check out their Tips page. It’s filled with articles and resources designed to help teens feel at ease with the whole job process..

So no more nudging your teen to get a job. Just send them over to Teen Job Prep and give them the confidence they need to get and keep a job! And to help you get started, Teen Job Prep is offering 10% off to TMoM members with code: triadmoms10. Visit to redeem the code. Happy job hunting!

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