Is Classical Education Right For Your Child?

Have you longed for your child to have a more systematic and values-centered education? As a classical, Christian K-12 community school, Caldwell Academy in Greensboro offers parents in the Triad a unique, but well-established model, utilizing systematic, language-focused study that stresses mastery over concepts. Classical education teaches children the proper use of the tools of learning in order to equip them as self-directed thinkers and learners. In contrast to progressive education, which focuses on individual subjects, classical education is a systematic study, integrating English and history, language and theology, science, math and ethics. This integration enables students to easily make connections between ideas and develop a more complete picture of the world.   A classical education is a true liberal arts education (from the Latin liber. “to free”) setting students free to contemplate great ideas.

While Caldwell challenges students academically, the school also has created a loving environment where children can fully develop their God-given skills and abilities. Caldwell’s classical and Christian educational approach seeks to produce well-rounded, service-minded students who are engaged in the community. In order to encourage students to be servant leaders, they partner with many non-profit organizations like the Newcomers School, Samaritan’s Purse, Good Shepherd’s Fold Orphanage, and Greensboro Urban Ministry.  We require each student to perform 100 hours of service prior to graduation.  Caldwell graduates also go on to make meaningful contributions to their communities and to the world after graduation.

Fine arts and athletics are both important parts of the Caldwell experience as well.  Music, drama, art, and creative writing are vital to the curriculum and are primary ways that students learn to experience and appreciate beauty.   Athletic activities build self-discipline and develop character while helping students learn the importance of teamwork.

Classical education better positions students for future success. Based on data from the College Board and a 2010 survey of member schools by the Association of Classical and Christian Schools, students at classical and Christian schools on average outperformed their peers on the SAT (public school students scored 498 on the reading section while classical and Christian school students scored 610; on the Math portion public school students scored 511, classical students scored 583).  Similarly, classical and Christian school students outperformed the national average on the ACT in 2010 in every category (English, math, reading and science). In addition, the Latin instruction that is fundamental to classical and Christian education has been proven to raise reading levels, improve English vocabulary and math problem solving skills, as well as college GPA, in addition to enhancing performance on standardized tests.

Consider Caldwell Academy when thinking about the educational needs of your children. In our fast-paced, technology-driven world, we must constantly learn and develop new skills. A Caldwell Academy classical education imparts the abilities and passion for thinking and learning that allow a person to teach him or herself for a lifetime. Caldwell is currently accepting applications and will host an informational meeting for interested parents on October 27th. Learn more online at

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