It Doesn’t Matter

Keeping things in perspective is difficult. In the heat of the moment, it is easy to get frazzled or lose your cool over many events with your children. When I look back at things that I thought were huge issues, many times, in the end … it just didn’t matter.

When you look at the big picture and the heart-breaking struggles that many families deal with, it can make you realize what is truly important.

I have listed a few things below that I have tried, and in the future will try, to keep in perspective. Please let me know if you agree!

~ It doesn’t matter that your child received an F on his test. What matters is what he learned from that poor grade and what he will do to ensure it doesn’t happen next time.
~ It doesn’t matter that your teenager had a friend who drove her to a party that included drinking and drugs and she was scared. What matters is that she knew it was wrong and called you to come get her.
~ It doesn’t matter that a friend of your son’s treated him poorly. What matters is that your son remembers how that felt so he will learn how not to treat others.
~ It doesn’t matter that your child got the “worst teacher” at the school. What matters is that you let her make her own judgement about that teacher and in the end, had an amazing year.
~ It doesn’t matter that when your son was a baby, he learned to walk much later than others. What matters is that he walked when he was ready.
~ It doesn’t matter that your daughter lost the soccer game. What matters is that it will give her and her team the drive to practice harder, work together, and try to win next one.
~ It doesn’t matter that your child didn’t get what he wanted for Christmas. It matters that he wanted it so badly that he saved up and bought it for himself and learned to treasure what he worked so hard to obtain.
~ It doesn’t matter that your son did not make it into the accelerated program at school. What matters is that he worked to the best of his ability and was challenged, but was also successful.
~ It doesn’t matter that your daughter made a poor choice in a boyfriend. What matters is that you allowed her to see why it was a poor choice for herself, and were there to console her when the relationship ended.

In my humble opinion, it is my job & my husband’s job to give my children roots, but also teach them how to use their wings. I hope every hill they climb and every valley they muddle through will enrich their lives. Because in the end, what matters to us is family, health, happiness, and faith.

Please comment below and share some things that you found out “didn’t really matter.”

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