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Mom at the Drive Thru

By Heather Miller

To all of the moms out there that are feeding all organic, limiting screen time, and killing school picture day, you are my hero. I honestly tried. I gave it my all. While it did not work out for me and my offspring, I think it is an amazing thing you are doing. You are giving your children what you think they need to have the best start in this crazy world. That being said, this letter is not for you. Feel free to read on, though.

This letter is for you, mom at the drive thru.

Motherhood is full of choices. Not many of them are easy ones. We are basically totally responsible for the lives of other humans and hold most of their decisions in our hands. These days it seems as though we are under an intense amount of pressure to do what society deems the right thing. And unfortunately, we moms are very quick to judge ourselves when we make choices that are not so much the “right” choice. Let’s stop that.

It is more than OK to find yourself sitting at the drive thru for the third time in a week because you can not stomach one more evening of trying to make dinner for three screaming kids who are going to turn their little noses up at it as soon as it hits the table.

It is OK to let your third born binge watch Daniel Tiger on a Wednesday morning just so you can catch a little peace and quiet while your other kids are busy at school. Many thanks, Hulu.

It is OK to let your kids dress themselves for picture day. Sure, they may not look exactly “put together” and you are still going to have to pay for the pictures, but they will be happy and you will have saved yourself a fight. Three cheers for self expression!

What I am getting at, is that while sometimes it seems as though we are supposed to have it all together, we just don’t. And that is OK. If your kids are loved and healthy, they are fine. Get them that happy meal to make it easier on you and them once in a while. Don’t feel judged or less of a mother because you just can not get a hairbow to sit in a cute way on your daughters head, no matter how hard you try. Do what works for you and your family. We are all different, and should support each other no matter those differences.

I see you behind me in the drive through, and I salute you.

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  1. I LOVE my kids school pictures, with the crazy clothes, old tatoo that has not washed all the way off and a smile because that is who they were on that day!

    Thanks for the post!!

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