More Apps for Kids. Just What They Need, Right?

You know you have a problem when your seven-year-old daughter gives up the Ipad for Lent. It was her decision and she’s really proud of it. We would have been just as happy if she gave up candy or bickering with her brother. But no – her form of penitence is letting go of the addiction she has developed to the family Ipad (actually it was a birthday gift to me last year but who’s counting?) – and the millions of little colorful apps that have exploded over the screen in the last few months.

You might remember this post: Do Your Kids Have An App for That? I wrote it last August around the same time my kids and I discovered all the fun and educational apps available. I was curious to know what other apps moms recommended. And it’s funny because the apps that my kids loved last August are “so last August”! It seems like new and better ones pop up all the time.

So once again, we are running a list of even more apps for kids. This time, loyal TMoM reader Abby F reached out to her friends to find out what apps their kids are using, and she shares her list below. Some are for IPhone, IPod Touch, Android, IPad, and some are for all. We’d love for you to add to this list because we all know even good apps get old quick with the kids! Leave your favorites in the comments below!

Age Group Undefined

Smarty Tic Tac Toe
Pocket Pond
Skee Ball
Its Bitsy Spider
Star Walk
Disney Princess Sticker Book 
Sound Touch
Temple Run
Doodle Buddy
Magic Piano
Fruit Ninja

For Two Year Olds

Drawing Pad
Glow Draw
Cake Maker (there are a million of these where you make Icees, breakfast, Christmas trees, etc)
Talking John (there are a million of these – Rex the Dinosaur, Gina the Giraffe, Tom the Cat, etc)
Finger Drums
Old MacDonald – by Duck Duck Moose (also have other nursery rhymes and songs like Wheels on the Bus)
Animal Sounds
Bert’s Bag
My Coloring Book
Colour In with the Wiggles
Super Why Alphabet
Kids Vehicles
Elmo Loves ABCs
Kids Animals
Photo Touch Farm Animals
Tap Zoo & Tap Zoo 2

For Five and Six Year Olds:

Tiny Wings
Where’s My Water
Cover Orange
Cars 2
Cut the Rope
I Spy Spooky Mansion
Mood Finger Scan
Glass Tower
Spongebob Marbles & Slides
Whirly Word
My Paper Plane 3
Sight Words
Kids Numbers and Math Free

What other apps can you add to this list? Leave your suggestions as a comment below!

And if you are just as addicted to apps like our kids, be sure to check out this post featuring great apps for busy moms!

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