Results from the “How Often Do You …” Survey

The results you all have been waiting for are here!  A couple weeks ago, I put up this postasking readers to share their dirty little secrets with the world!  (Anonymously of course.)   I had so much fun reading the additional questions that you all included at the end.  We will definitely do more of these posts and incorporate some of those questions into our future surveys!  I gathered the results and have posted them below.  I will admit that many of these made me feel much better about myself!  🙂 And I can already predict that I will not be a fan of many husbands as they get pulled over to the computer today while their wives say, “See … other moms aren’t cleaning or cooking any more than me!”  Or the dreaded, “See … I told you we have sex just as much as everyone else!”  Sorry guys!

Anyway, here are the results!


How often do you wash your sheets?
Answer Options Response Percent Response Count
Every week 19.0% 52
Every other week 32.8% 90
Once a month 17.2% 47
Whenever I get around to it 31.0% 85
answered question 274
How often do you mop your hardwoods?
Answer Options Response Percent Response Count
Once a week 7.0% 19
A few times each month 20.2% 55
Once a month 19.1% 52
Only when I am expecting guests 27.6% 75
Not until everyone’s socks in the house start turning black 13.2% 36
Never – I have a maid for that 12.9% 35
answered question 272
How often to you talk on your cell phone while driving?
Answer Options Response Percent Response Count
Keys in ignition = phone to my ear 27.7% 76
Once in a while 65.0% 178
Only if it is an emergency 5.5% 15
Never 1.8% 5
answered question 274


How often do you watch TV that is mindless?
Answer Options Response Percent Response Count
Every day 42.7% 117
A few times per week 35.8% 98
Once a week 16.1% 44
I never watch TV 5.5% 15
answered question 274


How often do you clean your showers/tubs?
Answer Options Response Percent Response Count
Every week 8.8% 24
A few times per month 33.6% 92
Once a month 22.3% 61
Aren’t they already clean from the soap and shampoo being used in them daily? 18.6% 51
Maid does em! 16.8% 46
answered question 274


How often do you purchase new bed pillows?
Answer Options Response Percent Response Count
Twice a year 2.6% 7
Once a year 9.5% 26
Every two – three years 41.8% 114
You’re supposed to replace those things? 46.2% 126
answered question 273


How often do you have a deep, meaningful conversation with your spouse?
Answer Options Response Percent Response Count
Every day.  We are soul mates. 7.3% 20
Once a week or so 39.8% 109
Very rarely 15.7% 43
Only when there are important things to discuss 33.9% 93
Never 0.4% 1
Not married 2.9% 8
answered question 274


How often do you have sex with your spouse? 
Answer Options Response Percent Response Count
As often as possible 3.0% 8
Every day 0.0% 0
A few times per week 20.3% 55
Once a week 27.3% 74
A few times per month 32.1% 87
Only on special occassions 5.9% 16
As little as possible 8.5% 23
Not married 3.0% 8
answered question 271


How often do you go out on a date night with your spouse?
Answer Options Response Percent Response Count
We try to go once a week 3.3% 9
A few times each month 12.0% 33
Once a month 34.3% 94
Only when something special comes up 43.4% 119
Never 4.0% 11
Not married 2.9% 8
answered question 274


How often do you yell at your children?
Answer Options Response Percent Response Count
I don’t believe in yelling.  We talk through any problems. 3.3% 9
Daily 22.3% 61
A few times each week 31.4% 86
Only when I can’t get their attention 27.0% 74
Rarely 16.1% 44
answered question 274


How often do you kiss your kids?
Answer Options Response Percent Response Count
Constantly 53.5% 146
At least a few times a day 41.4% 113
When I put them to bed 4.4% 12
They are getting older and are too embarrassed for that now! 0.7% 2
answered question 273


How often do you talk to your mom?
Answer Options Response Percent Response Count
More than once every day 13.7% 37
Once a day 19.2% 52
A few times each week 37.3% 101
Once a week 17.0% 46
Every few weeks 7.4% 20
Mother is not living 5.5% 15
answered question 271


How often do you make your bed?
Answer Options Response Percent Response Count
Every single day.  HAS to be done! 32.7% 90
I try to do it every day, but it doesn’t always happen 38.2% 105
Only when we are having guests 14.5% 40
Only when I am cleaning 9.8% 27
Never 4.7% 13
answered question 275


How often do you vaccuum your main family living area?
Answer Options Response Percent Response Count
Every day 4.7% 13
A few times each week 28.4% 78
Once each week 37.1% 102
Every other week 21.1% 58
Only when I can see dirt 8.7% 24
answered question 275


How often do you exercise?
Answer Options Response Percent Response Count
Every day 7.3% 20
At least three times each week 26.3% 72
Once a week or so 6.9% 19
It ebbs and flows.  Sometimes I exercise quite frequently and other times not at all. 35.4% 97
Only when I make a New Years Resolution or when summer is approaching. 9.9% 27
Does running to catch the ice cream truck count? 14.2% 39
answered question 274


How often do you get your hair cut?
Answer Options Response Percent Response Count
Once a month 2.5% 7
Every six weeks 30.2% 83
Every few months 34.2% 94
Only when I cannot stand the sight of it anymore 33.1% 91
answered question 275


How often do you buy something for yourself without telling your spouse?
Answer Options Response Percent Response Count
Never 19.3% 53
All the time!  He would die if he knew all the things I bought! 15.0% 41
Once in a while 60.2% 165
Not married 2.6% 7
None of the above 2.9% 8
answered question 274


How often do you log on to Facebook?
Answer Options Response Percent Response Count
I never even log off! 10.5% 29
A few times each day 54.9% 151
Every day 18.9% 52
Once every few days 6.5% 18
Once every few weeks 3.6% 10
I set up an account and never went back 0.7% 2
Facebook, smayshbook, who has time for that nonsense? 4.0% 11
I’ll set up an account one of these days! 0.7% 2
answered question 275


How often do you check your email?
Answer Options Response Percent Response Count
I leave my computer on all day and as soon as I hear “You’ve Got Mail” I run over and check it! 15.1% 41
I am on the computer for work, so I check all the time 28.0% 76
Every few hours 36.5% 99
Once or twice a day 18.8% 51
A few times each week 1.5% 4
I hate email.  Please send me a letter or call me. 0.0% 0
answered question 271


How often do you go out for lunch?
Answer Options Response Percent Response Count
Every day 2.2% 6
I bring a home-packed lunch to work or eat at home almost daily 21.8% 60
Only on special occasions 29.8% 82
At least a few times each week 17.5% 48
Once a week 28.7% 79
answered question 275


How often do you make a home-cooked meal for your family?
Answer Options Response Percent Response Count
Every day 8.0% 22
At least 5-6 times per week 33.9% 93
3-4 times each week 48.2% 132
As little as possible 9.9% 27
answered question 274


How often does your family eat dinner together?  (All members present)
Answer Options Response Percent Response Count
Every night 28.4% 78
Almost every night 45.8% 126
My spouse and/or I have a job that cuts into the dinner hour, so we eat together after the kids are in bed 5.5% 15
A few nights a week 16.4% 45
Once a week 1.5% 4
Very seldom 1.8% 5
Never – too many sports, activites, job interferences! 0.7% 2
answered question 275


How often do you look at another mom and envy her lifestyle?
Answer Options Response Percent Response Count
Every day 7.7% 21
Often 27.8% 76
Rarely 19.0% 52
I try hard not to, but every so often it happens! 38.5% 105
Never 7.0% 19
answered question 273


How often do you argue with your spouse about money?
Answer Options Response Percent Response Count
Daily 0.7% 2
At least a few times each week 3.0% 8
Once a week 8.1% 22
Once a month 23.2% 63
When it is time to pay bills 18.8% 51
Tax time 4.4% 12
Never 39.5% 107
Not married 2.2% 6
answered question 271


How often do you spank your child(children)?
Answer Options Response Percent Response Count
Never 26.3% 72
Only when they have done something that could hurt them or someone else 17.2% 47
Rarely 20.8% 57
Probably once every few weeks 6.2% 17
Once a week 2.9% 8
Daily 0.7% 2
Never ever ever 5.8% 16
We did so off and on when they were toddlers, but not much any more 12.8% 35
My kids are older, so now we punish instead of spank 7.3% 20
answered question 274

So there you have it!  The truth is out.  What do you think?  Were there any answers that surprised you?  Please share your thoughts below. (But be nice – remember that there is a real person out there who is represented by these numbers!)

* Reminder: Our Nicole Nelson Photography giveaway ends on Sunday.  Click here to register.  We also have a new Facebook giveaway beginning today. Don’t miss out!  Like our page here!

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