SuperTots Sports Academy is coming to the Triad!

By Ethan Hall, Program Director of SuperTots Sports Academy NC

We are excited to announce that we are bringing SuperTots Sports Academy to the Triad area. The company has emerged as the premier child development company in North America. Classes are available for sign up now and will begin in January!

What is SuperTots Sports Academy?

SuperTots is a franchised child physical development program that uses a variety of fun games to delight and engage kids in physical and mental learning through various sports. We have all types of classes offered to children from 18 months to 6 years of age. The curriculum is professionally designed to develop motor skills, promote physical fitness, create self-confidence and prepare young children for sports.

SuperTots offers its flagship and longest running program in SoccerTots, and is now offering HoopsterTots, CheerTots, VolleyKats, and PartyTots. Each offers its own unique curriculum, which allows children the opportunity to explore their interest in different sports throughout the year.

Why is SuperTots right for my child?
SuperTots is designed to fit the needs of any child because physical development is necessary at all points between the ages of 18 months and 6 years. Classes are divided by certain age ranges that are no wider than 1 year, so your child will get to develop alongside children of the same age. Sticking with the age divided classes, SuperTots offers a specific curriculum for each age and sport. The curriculum has been designed with research behind what children can and cannot do at certain ages along with the best and proven activities to keep each child excited and engaged.

We offer multiple sports to draw the attention of each child in the best way. It allows each child to explore different sports or stick with one that they truly love. Our curriculum isn’t designed to force play, but to attract each child to play. We call this the push-pull method. Our trained coaches and curriculum are both in place to help each child choose to play (pull), rather than commanding (push).

Part of the attraction that our curriculum gives to each child is in our equipment. We offer a lot more than just a ball, a hoop, a net, or any other basic equipment piece. We also incorporate a variety of colorful equipment. This could be anything from tall cones, flat cones, tunnels, hoops, parachutes, and even pool noodles!

Who is coaching my child?

We have a staff of professionally trained and experienced coaches that truly have a passion for youth sports. Each coach has their own specific classes so that each child can gain the familiarity and trust that is needed to help them develop.

When and where are classes offered?
Starting in January, each of our classes is offered once a week for eight total weeks. We offer a variety of classes at a variety of times. This helps accommodate the different schedules that everyone has. Can’t make afternoon classes? We offer both morning and afternoon classes throughout the week and weekend!

Classes are offered in Greensboro at Proehlific Park and the Greensboro Sportsplex. We are also in Winston-Salem at the Winston-Salem Soccerplex.

We also offer the SuperTots Sports Academy Enrichment Program. We are established with different schools and daycares in the area to which we bring our different courses to your kids. Ask your school if we offer our after-school or in-school enrichment programs there. If not, ask them to contact us or even contact us yourself and we would love to reach out to the school ourselves!

Where Can I sign up? is our national website where you can learn more about each of our programs, enter your zip code to find programs near you, and sign up for the best class for your child. Find the right class for your child and sign up quickly because classes are filling up fast!

Click HERE to go to our home page. Enter in your zip code to find all of the classes located near you!

Who can I contact?
You can always contact me! My name is Ethan Hall and I am the Program Director of SuperTots Sports Academy NC. I can be reached at or by phone at 336-601-3569. You can always contact our corporate headquarters in Spokane, Washington at 1-866-849-1099 for general questions too.

We are all over the internet!
You can like us on Facebook by clicking HERE and follow us on Twitter by clicking HERE. We can keep you updated with SuperTots events and other fun.

We are also on Youtube. Click HERE to see our flagship sport that is SOCCERTOTS!

*Sponsored by SuperTots Sports Academy NC

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