The 4 Demands of Joy

A few months ago, I met Kim Williams at an event at the Ronald McDonald House.  Kim has his own website, blog, and is one of the “techy-est” people I know!  He is “linked in” all over!  Kim is also a public speaker.  He recently sent me details for an upcoming event and I thought our readers would definitely be interested in this.

The event is called “The 4 Demands of Joy.”  Here is the concept, in Kim’s own words, “It is my belief that life – from the moment we enter into it – places upon us 4 demands. I believe that based on our response to these demands, we contribute positively or negatively to the success of our living.  Life’s four demands are rooted in design, desire, discipline, and delight. Mastering these demands is the key to finding deep and abiding joy.”

Kim is offering a five week class in 2011 that will be sure to put you on the path to joyfulness.  I thought this class looked like an amazing event for an individual, or even something that a couple could complete together.

Please visit the website here for more details.   You can also visit Kim’s personal website and blog here.

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