The Sunday Funnies – 11/14/10

By Rachel Hoeing

We have a friend who we will call Bob for anonymity purposes.  Bob is older than most of the friends we hang out with, but he is single and ready to mingle, so he is always up for a party.  He has three children and once told me that they all went to Appalachian State.  Since I am an alum, I was of course impressed.

Fast forward to a neighborhood Christmas Party.  I am there enjoying the evening, and in walks Bob with a young woman.
“Hey Bob!  Merry Christmas!” I exclaim.
“Hey there!  You, too. Rachel, this is Liz …Liz, this is Rachel,” Bob says as he introduces me.
“Liz, I hear you are a Mountaineer!”
Liz looks at me a bit quizzically.
I then turn to Bob and say, “I thought all your kids were ASU grads!”
Bob’s face turns a bit red as he replies, “Yes, they ARE all ASU grads, but this is my girlfriend, Liz.”
Holy crap.
As I sink into the floor I quickly murmur a nice to meet you and remain hidden for the remainder of the party.

Do you have a funny story to share?  Type it up, email it to us, and watch to see if we run it as a Sunday Funny in the upcoming weeks!

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