The Sunday Funnies 11/7/10

Here are a few funnies to enjoy before you head to church this morning. Enjoy!

“After a couple of trunk-or-treats and school Halloween parties my kids already had quite a candy stash before the big night.  My husband and I were spending a good bit of time arguing with them over why they could not eat it all on Sunday afternoon.  Finally my six year old gave up and wandered off to play.  My four year old, Mason, disappeared too.  A couple of minutes later I find him hiding behind a chair on the porch, his hands clutched together obviously holding something of great value.

Me- “Mason what are you doing back there?”
He peeks out with a sly grin on his face – “I’m not doing anything Mommy.  I don’t have anything.”
Me- “What are you doing then?”
Mason – “I’m just praying.”
I laughed so hard – and of course I let him have that piece of candy! ”
 – Submitted by Carrie

“We are driving in the car and it gets quiet.
Mom:  “Katie, what are you thinking about?”
Katie (6 yrs old):  “Moses”
Bradley (3 yrs old):  “Mom, ask me what I’m thinking about.”
Mom:  “Bradley, what are you thinking about?”.
Bradley: “I am thinking about my BIG GUN and my BIG MOTORCYCLE that I’m going to get when I get bigger”.
For a boy who is very sweet and mellow, and a family with No Guns and No motorcycles, this was very funny to me. ”
– Submitted by Gayle

Send us your Sunday Funny!  Email Rachel at or Katie at

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