The Sunday Funnies ~ 5/1/11

If you’re ever having one of those days, just log on to Sh*t My Kids Ruinedand you’ll feel much better! By now we’ve all heard about the Twitter pageand book “Sh*t My Days Says,” and this site falls along those same lines. It features real photos from parents whose child has ruined something in their home or life, and we get to laugh at their expense. It’s hilarious. Take a peek at some of these funny photos below.

And if you have any photos like these you’d like to share, send them to me in an email along with a caption. If I get enough, I’ll do a follow up to this post in a future Sunday Funnies.

The same kids in the photo at the top took shaving cream to a whole level in this pic. The poor parents!

Oh my word, can you imagine? Yes, that is baby powder!

This Barbie belonged to a little girl who decided to dry her off in the microwave after her bath. Not so pretty now!

This was my favorite. Make sure you read the captions. And yes, this is a pic of poop!

If you like these, there are many more on their web site. You’ll have to scroll down to the site to get to the pictures, and then at the bottom of the last picture you can click to go to other pages.

Do you have a Sunday Funny you want to share? Just email me at and we’ll get it posted. You can remain anonymous if you’d like!

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