Summer Job

Tips for Teens to Land a Summer Job

By TMoM Team Member Britney Dent

In 2021, around 19.4 percent of teenagers between ages 16 and 19 were employees while enrolled at school in the United States. This is an increase from the previous year, when 17.6 percent of teenagers were working while in school. There are even more working teens in the Summer. Overall, more than 6 million U.S. teens, or 36.6%, had a paying job for at least part of last summer, marking the highest teen summer employment rate since 2008, according to a Pew Research Center analysis of data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

There are benefits to teens having a job including: earning their own money, learning important skills, and building character.

So how can your teen improve their chances of getting that summer job? These tips can help! Share them with your teen!

Decide what you want

To be happier at work, you must first decide what you want from your job. Do you want to work inside or outside? Do you want to work early mornings or late nights? (There are restrictions about how late based on age). Do you want to work with other teens or it doesn’t matter?

The decision you make here can help make the job search easier. So think carefully and get clear on what you want so you can concentrate on applying for specific jobs.

If you don’t know where to start, research companies that hire teens, companies that interest you and research the people that work there.

Clean up your social media

Research has shown that about 75% of employers search the internet when looking for information on potential employees. They especially look on social networks like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Don’t let potential employers see anything that your great grandmother wouldn’t like. You can use social media to show that you’re an excellent person to hire. Check your photos and don’t post anything that employers might find offensive.

Inform your family and references

After you’ve determined which jobs you want to apply to, inform your family and contacts about it and ensure they know if you have put them down for a reference. Better yet, ask them if they would be willing to provide references for you when you begin applying for jobs. A lot of times a teacher or coach can provide a job reference for a teen. Some employers won’t consider hiring you if they can’t contact your references to verify that you would be a good employee.

Brag on yourself

You may not have a lot of qualifications if this is your first “real job” but brag on what you have accomplished so far. Create a resume, even if it’s short and include your honors, volunteer experiences, athletic achievements, academic awards, and any certifications. The goal is to make a good impression and have an opportunity to be considered for the position.

Be on Time

You may or may not have to have a formal interview. If you have an interview, be on time. If you have to drop off paperwork to the manager because you’ve already been hired, be on time. Once you get the job, for each day you are scheduled, be on time! My dad used to say: “To be early is to be on time, to be on time is to be late and to be late is just pitiful”. Don’t be pitiful!

Dress the Part

Be sure to dress up for your interview or for dropping off your job application. You can’t be overdressed for the interview. A cardigan or blazer is always impressive. Depending on what type of job you are applying for, you will have different uniforms (casual, athletic, business casual, semi-formal, etc.). Be sure to take care of your uniform and dress appropriately for the job you will be doing.

Have a Profitable Summer

Don’t wait until the first day of Summer to apply for summer opportunities. Prepare now for your summer job and go after the job that you want! Don’t forget to request time off for family vacation and back to school orientation. Have a profitable summer!

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