Top 10 Must Have Items for Newborns and Babies

By Rachel Hoeing

What better way to get parenting tips than to ask other parents? We’ve been there, we’ve done that, we’ve used products, abused products, and loved products. I polled our TMoM Facebook audience and asked them what their favorite must-have item was for their baby or newborn. I have listed the top 10 recommendations below along with links. (Click on the name to find out more info or visit the corresponding website.)

I hope these items can make your job of being a parent just a tad bit easier! If you are not expecting a baby anytime soon, please share this blog with someone who is. Thanks to all of you who contributed ideas! If you have a beloved item that was not listed please comment at the end and share.

1. Fisher Price Rock and Play Sleeper

Hands down, the most recommended product from our readers. Many said they could not have survived without it!

2. Fussy Baby Solutions

Gripe Water
Vulli Sophie the Giraffe Teether
Mylicon Gas Drops
NoseFrida the Snot Sucker
Nasal Aspirator
Wubba Nub

3. Swaddlers and Sleep Sacks

Ergo Baby Swaddler
Miracle Blanket
Aden + Anais Muslin Swaddle Blankets

4. Nursing Pillows

My Brest Friend
Bobby Pillow

5. Wraps and Carriers

Moby Wrap
Maya Wrap
Boba Carriers and Wraps
ErgoBaby Carriers
(Also, click HERE for a buying guide about baby carriers that is practical and comprehensible)

6. Baby Video Monitor

There were not any specific name brands that our readers suggested, but here is a great list with reviews that I found online.

7. Warmers

One for the wipes and one for the bottles!

8. Blankets

In addition to the swaddlers and blanket sleepers above, our readers suggested getting lots of receiving blankets. These can be used for just about anything and you will probably end up with more than 10 of them stashed all around the house.
Our readers also suggested a blanket or lovely for the baby. Some favorites can be found here and here.

9. Dr. Brown’s Baby Bottles

The up side is that many claim these bottles help soothe colicky babies. The down side is that there are many different parts to wash.

10. A Support Group

Our reader, Jess, summed this up best by saying “… but more importantly a support system of mamas and papas with similar aged children who GET what you are going through, who allow you to be crazy for a moment and then help get you back on track.” For those of you who may be tackling parenthood alone right now, have no fear, TMoM has a great list of Mom & Child Support Groups right here in our area. (Including some for dads, too!)

Best of luck to all the new moms and dads out there … we know parenthood has its ups and downs, but luckily you don’t need to travel this road alone. 🙂

*Please note that Triad Moms on Main does not personally endorse these products. Please use these recommendations from our readers and research the products before using.

*Photo Credit – Heather McGinnis Photography

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