Triad Area Tutoring

Triad Area Tutoring Resources

Whether you have a child in elementary, middle or high school, we know that oftentimes they need a little extra help when it comes to academics.If your child has special needs, be sure to also check out our Special Needs Directory for additional services.

Please note that many of these listings are recommendations from our readers. Be sure to do your homework (no pun intended!) and research these tutors prior to enlisting their services. Triad Moms on Main is not responsible for any information listed below that has changed since our last update, and not every tutor listed below responded to our request to update their information.

Below are two lists: tutoring services where you will find an actual business or venue, and private tutors who may work out of their homes or are available to come to your home. If you have a service or private tutor to add, please email us. This list will always be available to you on our Directories Page.

Click the tabs above to go to the city you are looking for.

Educational Tutorial Services

Address: We provide services statewide
Contact: Lisa Russell
Phone: 888-705-6383
Description: For 28 years, Educational Tutorial Services (ETS) has been a leader in providing virtual tutoring
across subjects, particularly for underprivileged groups like foster care, immigrants, homeless,
and at-risk children, and those with behavioral or learning disorders. Specializing in K-12 and
adult tutoring, ETS aids in ACT/SAT, GED prep, and literacy/math remediation. We collaborate
with social service agencies, foundations, healthcare plans, and schools, extending our reach to
large organizations, and offering tutoring services to employees and their families.

Sylvan Learning Center

Greensboro –2921-A Battleground Avenue – 218.8880
Burlington –  795 Boone Station Drive  – 570.4999
Winston-Salem – 3360 Robinhood Road – 724.5644 
Emails: Winston:, Greensboro:, Burlington:
Description of business: Sylvan Learning is the leading provider of personalized tutoring using diagnostic and prescriptive instruction for students Pre-K through 12th grade in the areas of reading, writing, basic math, algebra, geometry, pre-calculus, calculus, study skills, college prep ACT/SAT, specific subject tutoring, and homework support. In addition to academic support, Sylvan also works on the student’s motivation and self-esteem.  All Sylvan programs are specifically designed to increase student academic achievement and proficiency.  This personalized approach is based on the belief that there is no “one size fits all” method for learning. With this in mind, the Sylvan personal learning plan is designed to fit your family’s busy schedule and budget through our affordable payment plans.  Sylvan now offers Robotics, Coding and Engineering classes for all ages.

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