Private Schools Directory

Triad Independent & Private Schools Directory

This private school directory is sponsored by Calvary Day School. Calvary Day School has a passion and a commitment to provide an encouraging, safe, and engaging school community. Students, from preschool through high school, are challenged to fulfill their God-given potential, develop strong character, and impact the world for Christ.

If you are considering a private school for your child, there are many factors to consider. For instance, are the academics top-notch? Are the classes a good size? What are the experiences of the teachers? Is the private school small enough? Likewise, is it big enough? Does it offer religious education? Additionally, is the athletic program at the private school strong? The questions can go on and on.

Fortunately there are numerous great private schools in the Triad. Therefore, in an attempt to help find a good match for your family, we compiled a list of private schools recommended by our readers. We can update this list at any time, so if there is a private school we did not include, or if the statistics below have changed, please email us to let us know.

Find out more about each private school by visiting their website, and be sure to check our TMoM event calendar for upcoming Open Houses.

Westchester Country Day School

Westchester Country Day School

Address: 2045 N. Old Greensboro Rd, High Point, NC 27265
Orientation: Nonsectarian
County: Davidson
Type: Elementary/ Secondary (Co-ed)
Grades: PreK to 12
Kindergarten: Full-day – 5 days/week
Students: 465
Full-time Equiv. Teachers: 62
Student/Teacher Ratio: 7:1

Beacon Academy

Beacon Academy

Address: 8430 Southard Rd, Stokesdale, NC 27358
Type of School: Montessori preschool, Acton elementary & middle school
Orientation: Non-denominational Christian, but open to all
Contact: Meredith Carlton, Founder
Ages: 3-13 years
Hours: Half day and full-day preschool options, full-day elementary school
Days per week: Monday – Thursday
School Calendar: Mid-August through June
Teacher Ratio: 10:1 in preschool/kindergarden, and 15:1 in elementary, 20:1 middle school

Noble Academy

Noble Academy Logo

Address: 3310 Horse Pen Creek Road, Greensboro, NC 27410
Contact: Christy Avent, Director of Enrollment; email:
Orientation: Nonsectarian
Type: ADHD and Learning Differences
Grades: 2 to 12
Students: 160
Full-time Equiv. Teachers: 30
Student/Teacher Ratio: 8:1

Greensboro Day School

Address: 5401 Lawndale Drive, Greensboro, NC 27455
Contact: Crissy Anderson, Director of Admission and Enrollment;; phone: 336.288.8590
Orientation: Nonsectarian
Type: Preschool/Elementary/Secondary (Co-ed)
Grades: 2 years old to 12th grade
Kindergarten: Full-day – 5 days/week
Students: 950
Full-time Equiv. Teachers: 135
Student/Teacher Ratio: 8:1

Calvary Day School

Calvary Day School

Address: 134 S. Peace Haven Road, Winston-Salem, NC 27104
Orientation: Baptist/Christian
Type: Preschool/Elementary/Secondary (Co-ed)
Grades: 2 year-old Preschool through 12th grade
Kindergarten: Full-day – 5 days/week
Students: 990
Full-time Equiv. Teachers: 102
Student/Teacher Ratio: 8:1

New Garden Friends School

New garden Friends school

Address: Lower School (3’s-grade 6) at 1128 New Garden Road, Greensboro, NC 27410 Middle School (grades 7-8) and Upper School (grades 9-12) at 2015 Pleasant Ridge Road,  Greensboro, NC 27410
Contact: Chris Skidmore, Director of Admissions
Schedule a Tour:
Orientation: Quaker schools welcome students from all faiths and cultures
Type: Elementary/Secondary (Co-ed)
Grades: 3 year olds to 12th Grade
Kindergarten: Full-day – 5 days/week
Students: 260
Full-time Equiv. Teachers: 45
Student/Teacher Ratio: 8:1

Westlawn School


Address: 4305 Country Club Drive, Winston-Salem, NC 27104
Type of School: Private
Orientation: None
Contact: Admin
Ages: 8 – 15
Hours: 8:15 am – 2:45 pm, after school care until 5:30 pm
Days per week: 5
Year Round: No
Number of Students: 18
Number of Teachers: 6
Projected Student/Teacher Ratio: 4:1

Summit School

Summit School Private Schools in the Triad

Address: 2100 Reynolda Road. Winston-Salem NC 27106
Contact: Cindy Kluttz, Director of Advancement and Enrollment Management,, (336) 722-2777 x1032
Orientation: non-sectarian
Type: Elementary, Middle, Co-ed
Grades: 3-year-olds through grade 9
Kindergarten: 8:15 – 1:30, 5 days a week
Students: 560
Full-time Employees: 115
Student/Teacher Ratio: 8:1

Bishop McGuinness Catholic High School

Bishop McGuinness Catholic High School

Address: 1725 NC 66 South, Kernersville, NC 27284
Contact: Paola S Mendoza, Director of Admissions, 336.564.1011
Type of school: College Prep Catholic School; all Faiths Welcome
Grades offered: 9th -12th grade
Number of students: 460
Faculty and Staff: 52
Student/Teacher Ratio: 8 teachers to 1 student

Greensboro Montessori School

Greensboro Montessori School

Address: 2856 Horse Pen Creek Road, Greensboro
Phone: (336) 668.0119
Contact: Rhea Egbert
Ages: 18 months old – 9th grade
Nonsectarian, accredited Montessori school
Grades18 months old – 9th grade
Kindergarten: Academic day (8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.), 5days/week
 Half-day, academic-day, and full-day options available
Days per Week: 3- or 5-day options for toddlers; all others 5 days per week
Year Round: Summer Camp available for enrolled students ages 3 to 12.
Number of Students: 270
Full-time Equivalent Teachers: 43

Triad Baptist Christian Academy

Triad Baptist Christian Academy

Address: 1175 South Main Street, Kernersville, NC 27284
Contact: Email: ; Phone: (336)996-7573 ext 112
Type of school: Classical, Christian
Grades offered: Preschool – 12th grade, Afterschool care available
Kindergarten: Offers full day program, 5 days a week
Number of students: 540
Number of full time equiv. teachers: 45

The Piedmont School & John Yowell Academy

The Piedmont School

Address: 815 Old Mill Road. High Point, NC 27265
Contact: Janet Maness, Admissions Assistant Melissa Linn, MS & HS Program Coordinator
Orientation: Nonsectarian
County: Guilford
Type: ADHD and Learning Differences
Grades: K to 12th
Library/Media Center: YES
Students: 85
Faculty & Staff: 28
Student/Teacher Ratio: K-8th: 6:1 core classes; 12:1 specials classes 9th-12th: average 10:1 core and electives classes

Forsyth Country Day School

Fosyth Country Day School Directory Featured Listing

Address: 5501 Shallowford Road, Lewisville, NC 27023
Website:, Facebook, Instagram
Type: independent, nonsectarian, coeducational, college preparatory
Contact: Carolyn Sutton, Director of Admission,
Grades: Year-round preschool (ages 2-5), Grades K-12
Kindergarten: Full-day – 5 days/week
Students: 925
Full-time Equiv. Teachers: 97
Student/Teacher Ratio: 14:1

High Point Christian Academy

Address: 800 Phillips Avenue, High Point, NC 27262
Contact: Jennifer Lambert, Advancement Director:
Orientation: Baptist
County: Guilford
Type: Preschool, Elementary/Secondary (Co-ed)
Grades: Preschool through 12th Grade
Kindergarten: Full-day (8:00-2:15) – 5 days/week
Students: 902
Full-time Equiv. Teachers: 77.4
Student/Teacher Ratio: 15:1

High Point Friends School

High Point Friends School

Address: 800A Quaker Lane, High Point, NC 27262
Contact: Terry Aiken, Director of Admissions and Advancement; email
Orientation: Quaker
County: Guilford
Type: Preschool, Elementary/Secondary (Co-ed)
Grades: Early School to 8th
Kindergarten: Full-day – 5 days/week
Students: 110
Full-time Equiv. Teachers: 14; Part-time Equiv. Teachers: 4
Student/Teacher Ratio: 8:1

St. Leo Catholic School*

Address: 333 Springdale Avenue, Winston-Salem, NC 27104
Contact: Misty Riccoboni at
Orientation: Roman Catholic/All are welcome
Type: Elementary, Secondary (Co-ed)
Grades: Pre-K through 8th grade
Kindergarten: Full-day – 5 days/week
Students: 240
Full-time Equiv. Teachers: 18
Student/Teacher Ratio: 15:1

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