Well-being in Stressful Times: Raising a Confident Learner
Is your child’s education on your mind? It’s on ours. The well-being of all children is a real issue in 2019, and it’s not going away anytime soon in this fast-paced, interconnected world in which we live. Students’ chances of optimizing their learning capacity are greater when their sense of well-being is maximized.
The Journal of Abnormal Psychology published a recent study that was conducted between 2009 and 2017 and revealed that the incidence of depression rose by 47 percent among adolescents between ages 12 to 13 and more than 60 percent among adolescents between 14 to 17 years of age. These headlines in the news and on book covers have our attention, so what can we do about it?
In a world filled with social media, club sports, and over-scheduled children on a path to compete for college admission, what can we do to ensure that our children remain physically, socially, and emotionally well? The solution starts with a school that values relationships, and at the heart of relationships are expert teachers.
We are living in a world in which human-to-human connection happens more frequently through a device. Therefore, finding teachers that are focused on relationships is essential. At Greensboro Day School, our expert teachers “get” kids.
Our age 2 – grade 12 program is comprehensive, including lessons from Dr. Seuss, Shakespeare, and Newton. Students also practice civil discourse, environmental stewardship, executive functioning skills, kindness, inclusivity, social media navigation, and coping strategies for managing the stressors of peer pressure and the college admission process. GDS teachers of our youngest students understand the importance of play as part of a child’s learning and development process. In the Middle School, we help adolescents discover who they are as learners as they become more confident in their abilities. We prepare older students for college and the next phases of their lives.
Brain science research and evidence-based practices inform our program designed to meet kids where they are as learners. We believe strongly that the next generation of leaders will require the skills necessary to create, innovate, and collaborate as they enter a world and workforce that will demand more of them in more ways than any other time in our history.
Want to get your child ready for the world? We do too. Come experience our campus by scheduling a visit at www.greensboroday.org/tour.
- Sponsored by Greensboro Day School
By Guest Blogger Tracie Catlett, Head of School, Greensboro Day School
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