Whatcha Think: Tattoos

Growing up I was a bit of a rebel. So to make it this far in my life without ever getting “inked” is pretty surprising to me. There were definitely times I could have been talked into it. I remember seriously considering it one time in college. But for some reason, I never took the plunge. And I don’t recall many of my friends going through with it either.

As I think back – on the years between college and kids – I don’t think I knew one person who had a tattoo. Either I never paid attention, or tattoos were just not as prevalent then (mid-to-late ’90s). Yet today, I feel I’m in the minority without a tattoo. I now know several friends who have them. Wherever I go, I bump into at least one other person with a tattoo. More than ever before, I see moms and dads (of all ages) with tattoos. And not just one tattoo…but arms, legs and torsos full of them.

Since I am definitely not in the “know” on tattoos, I thought it would be interesting to open this topic up for conversation. Whether you’re a fan or a critic, or you fall somewhere in between, we’d love to get your opinion!

Let us know “Whatcha Think!”

~ Do you have a tattoo? Why or why not?
~ Do you consider tattoos artistic, offensive, or do you just not care?
~ Do you have a tattoo but now regret it?
~ Have you ever had a tattoo removed (or attempted to remove one)?
~ Would you allow your child to get a tattoo?
~ At what age do you think it’s OK to get a tattoo?

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