Your Dogs Need Mosquito Protection, Too

By Hugh Jones, Mosquito Squad of the Triad

Mosquito Squad’s treatment is great for your family and pets!

When it comes to mosquito protection, rest assured that Mosquito Squad will help provide your family and pets a safe environment free from those pesky and dangerous insects! Not only do mosquitoes pose a danger to humans through the transmission of Malaria, Dengue Fever, and West Nile Virus, but mosquitoes can be very dangerous to dogs. Mosquitoes are carriers of heartworms, which can be fatal for our four-legged friends.

Heartworm is a nasty disease common in canines, caused by a nematode (roundworm). The adult worms live primarily in the heart and large vessels of the lungs of dogs. In heavy infestations, the worms migrate up the pulmonary artery and clog the blood vessels of the lungs. The results are loss of body weight, dropsy, chronic cough, shortness of breath, muscular weakness, disturbances of vision, chronic heart failure, and eventual death.

What is the role of the mosquito?

Mosquitoes feeding upon an infected dog take up a number of minute heartworms, which eventually migrate from the digestive tract of the mosquito to the abdominal region where they undergo a transformation. Within 2 or 3 weeks they reach the infective stage. At this time the larvae are actually miniature adults that are small enough to live within a mosquito.

Next, they break into the body cavity of the mosquito and migrate to the mouthparts. By this time the mosquito is ready for its second blood meal. As the mosquito feeds, the infective larvae are deposited on the skin. These small worms burrow into the host animal and lodge in the tissue where they remain for several months.

After an increase in size, the worms leave the tissue and enter the blood stream through the wall of a small vein. Then they travel through the blood stream and eventually lodge in the chambers of the right side of the heart where they mature. Remember, heartworms cannot complete their life cycle without first passing through a mosquito. Since our dogs can’t take care of themselves, it’s up to owners to make sure their environment is as safe as possible. In addition to prevention that veterinarians provide, Mosquito Squad can provide that extra protection that man’s best friend deserves!

Mosquito Squad 100% guaranteed treatment works to combat mosquitoes. It is also great for kids and pets. Mosquito Squad offers low-cost initial treatments, and discounted summer-long plans. Protect your loved ones including your pets—give Mosquito Squad a call at 336.617.5268. If you hate mosquitoes, you’ll love us!

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Hugh Jones
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