
Community: Bringing Triad Moms Together

By Guest Blogger Courtney Lotz

Community: By definition, a feeling of fellowship with others, as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests, and goals.

There is something so special when you find your people that build you up, support you and cheer you on. Have you ever desired a community where you truly felt like you belonged? Finding your people is an adventure and sometimes a rollercoaster. We all need connection because we were made for it.

After several years of allowing the pandemic to invade our lives, we are weary of the isolation and the anxiety that it induced. I have had countless conversations with women about how the pandemic surfaced their depression, anxiety and how isolated they have been feeling. You are not alone if you faced some challenges throughout these years. We all feel a tug on our hearts for community + authentic relationships.

Discovering a Need

As a first-time mama, I truly felt the need to be connected to other mamas and find support through this new adventure of motherhood. My little family moved to the Triad in the middle of the pandemic. Community was hard to find because so many people were keeping their circles intentionally small. The search alone for a great community is challenging enough and then I discovered I was pregnant in April of last year. Our journey to becoming pregnant took years and my anxiety was heightened during those nine months. We chose to be very cautious during that time. As such, I am so grateful for the time spent as a couple before our sweet baby girl arrived.

Since pregnancy, my desire grew bigger and bigger to find other mamas. I thought to myself, I just need to create it. My introverted self cringed at the thought, but I had to put it into action. Creating community versus living in isolation became my New Year’s goal. So, I gauged the interest. Within a few days, I had 50 women interested in being a part of it! The need was bigger than anticipated. We needed a community to connect us together not separate us.

Creating a Community

Mama Village was created to serve the Triad by connecting mamas with intention to build relationships that support and encourage each other. You can find MamaVillage.Triad on Facebook and Instagram where we share our desires for the group and the upcoming events. Many of the mamas own their own businesses and we are here to cheer each other on throughout motherhood and beyond.

Currently, we aim for two to three events a month. These events are a mix of playdates, mama meet ups and sharing community events that are kid-friendly. We are actively growing throughout the Triad and look to serve the area well. Our events are spread throughout the region to provide easy accessibility to attend.

Staying Connected

Let’s make strives together for community versus isolation in 2022 and make this year count. Get connected with Mama Village or plug into a community that will serve you well for the exact place you are and whatever you personally need. For more ways to meet other local moms, visit TMoM’s directory of Triad Mom Groups and Meet-Ups!

Mama Village Triad
Meeting Place: across the triad
Facebook: Mama Village. Triad
Instagram: @mamavillage.triad

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