“Doing Good Things Series”- Empowered Girls of North Carolina

By Guest Blogger Kennette J. Burgess B.Sc, MBA, Marketing Consultant for Empowered Girls of NC

Today we feature another organization working hard to make a difference in our community. To read the last post in our Doing Good Things series, click HERE! ~ Katie

Empowered Girls of North Carolina’s mission is “Enhancing the quality of girls’ lives by providing programming that builds on integrity, respect and self-worth.” We are more than a place, more than a group of girls gathering to play or create arts and craft projects. Empowered Girls provides a safe haven where girls can open up about their feelings and experiences, speak their minds, learn about the world and opportunities that are available to them that they don’t even know exist.

Did you know… 75% of girls with low self-esteem reported engaging in negative activities or that each year approximately one in four adolescents reports verbal, physical, emotional, or sexual abuse.

empower2Our non-profit organization has spent the last 15 years providing enriching programs for and while the name has changed, the mission and passion to empower girls under the direction of Executive Director, Brenda Mewborn has remained. We started this program in 2000 to allow girls to explore any career, receive equal pay and not have to deal with the “glass ceiling”. One of our primary focuses was getting girls familiar with STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) and exploring these career opportunities that women are not empowered to study.

What Do We Do?

We serve girls age 6 to 18 in the Triad. Our girls are very diverse, 80% identify as Black/African American; 5% White/European American; and 15% Hispanic. Our primary goal is to empower girls to become successful young women by providing life-changing programs with workshops on STEM, self-esteem, pregnancy, leadership, drug abuse prevention, media impact, financial literacy, health , healthy relationships, anti-bullying and more. Starting back in 2016, we will also provide workshops for our girls and their parents.

empower3Our signature events are “Girl’s Night Outs’ which are held every month on the 3rd Friday of the year from 7 – 10pm. This event is designed just for girls and activities vary and can include girl talk circles, beauty sessions with manicures, baking, dancing, Wii karaoke, craft projects, and others.

We also provide summer camp services, college prep, are a creative and performance expressions outlet, and present community service projects for our girl members.

How Are We Helping Others?

Our #PowerGirls graduate from our program and grow up to attend college and many return to become volunteers themselves. With our literacy, homework and tutoring programs, our girls improve on their grades and exams. We experience most of or girls gain self-esteem and also learn valuable speaking skills from our girl talk sessions.

“Empowered Girls has helped me with everything and mentored me through life, even when I was in college my freshman year. They sponsored a college shower for me and I got the things I needed for school.”  – Angie

“The most important thing I have learned at Empowered Girls of NC is to help others, not be a follower, and to be strong, smart and bold. I know I am strong because I don’t let people put me down. I know I am smart because I try my best, and I know when I try my best, it is the best that I can do. And I am definitely bold, because I try new things every day.” – A past participant

empower4How Can You Get Involved?

We need your support to continue programming to empower girls in the community:

  1. BECOME A MEMBER! Parents, you can sign-up your kids right online. As a member, they can interact with other girls their age, have access to discounts on our programs, participate in fun events, meet mentors, and develop key skills . Annual membership is only $25 per girl or $45 per household.
  2. VOLUNTEER! If you are interested in giving your time and talent to make a real impact on tomorrow’s leaders, there is a place for you here. We are seeking guest speakers, program facilitators, event volunteers, workshop facilitators, fundraising coordinators and student interns. We are seeking business owners to donate their services during our Girl’s Night Outs.
  3. PARTNER! We are always seeking people to partner with us to host events, fundraisers or workshops; or introduce special segments to our programming.
  4. DONATE! We have college sponsor programs, are always in need of supplies for our girls, and need money to continue programming. Only $80.00 can cover one week of Summer Camp for one girl. $450.00 (only $38/mo) covers one month of After School Literacy for 10 girls. Sponsor a young girl and change her life forever!

We would love your help with the above to also expand to other cities in North Carolina. For more information you can find us here:

The Creative Center
900 Sixteenth Street

Greensboro, NC 27405



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