Ever Wonder When It’s the Best Time?

My husband came home with a book that I literally devoured in minutes. It’s calledBuy Ketchup In May and Fly at Noon: A Guide to the Best Time to Buy This, Do That and Go There by Mark Di Vincenzo. If you’ve ever wondered about the best day of the week to buy groceries, go out to dinner or put your house on the market – or best time of day to pump gas, take a pregnancy test or eat carbohydrates – you’ll find it in this book. It’s chock full of life’s random events that will help you “get more for your money, maximize your time, take better care of your health and be savvier about your career – all by doing certain things at the right time.” And every tip is backed by research and interviews done with experts – or by best-time conclusions.

This would make a great last-minute holiday gift! Without giving away the book, here’s a sneak peak of some items straight from the book:

When is the best time of the day to buy shoes?

Late afternoon. That’s when your feet have swelled and are at their largest size. Buying shoes in the late afternoon means they’ll fit just fine in the morning (and) they’ll fit after a full day of being on your feet…

When is the best time and day of the week to buy clothing?

Thursday evenings, approximately six weeks after items arrive in stores.

When is the best month to buy toys?

October or November. New toys often arrive in stores in September, and retailers will wait a few weeks before lowering prices to try to beat their competitors’ prices.

When is the best time of day to return merchandise?

Ten in the morning. Its more likely at this time that staffers are at their assigned posts and that the workers who are there will be in the best position to help you – the best, more experienced workers typically are scheduled to work the day shifts.

When is the best time to buy eggs?

When they’re on sale…you’re thinking “Duh!” But here’s a neat tidbit that most shoppers don’t know: Grocery stores sometimes put eggs on sale when they’re approaching their expiration dates…(but eggs can) be eaten three to five weeks after the expiration date.

Which is the best day of the week to shop for airline tickets?

Monday or Tuesday. That’s when airlines often offer lower fares…Airlines raise fares later in the week.

When is the best time of the day to get a hotel upgrade?

The evening. And as late as possible. By then, hotel staffers know how many rooms – and which rooms – will not be filled that night, so you’ll have a better chance of getting a great room for a standard price.

When is the best time to do a cardio workout?

Between 5 pm and 7 pm. That’s when your lungs use oxygen more efficiently, flexibility peaks, and you’re more coordinated, so you’re less likely to hurt yourself.

Which is the best month to get a flu shot?

October. Although flu season can begin that early, it usually begins in November. (Lots of us should make a note of this for next year!)

When is the best month to get pregnant?

August. This one, no doubt, is debatable but here are two practical arguments…1)…you’ll probably have a May baby, and you won’t be several months pregnant during the long, hot summer months. 2)…the worst bouts of nausea will be a thing of the past by the winter holidays, when people tend to socialize more.

Which is the best day of the week to give birth?

Any day as long as it is not on the weekends. Saturdays and Sundays appear to have the highest mortality rates…Hospitals are better staffed on weekdays.

There are a ton of other great tips – for every day life situations you’d never realize come with “best time” advice. If you click on the book title above, it will take you to the book’s web site with more “best time” tips. It’s a great practical reference guide and a fun read!

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