Ellen’s Book Nook: Father’s Day Books

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Written By Guest Blogger Ellen Lloyd, Updated by Sarah Marchwiany

Father’s Day is a special day designed to recognize and honor the fathers in our lives, and to celebrate them as role models, teachers and guides. As a tribute to fathers, the selections this month have a dad theme or feature a father figure. Younger children will enjoy special story times with dads reading the preschool and early elementary titles aloud to them. Happy Father’s Day to all the wonderful fathers out there!

Baby — Your Baby’s First Word Will Be DADA by Jimmy Fallon

Toddler — I Love Dad with The Very Hungry Caterpillar (The World of Eric Carle)

Preschool —Mighty Dads(board book) by Joan Holub and illustrated by James Dean

Using a fun, action-filled construction story, the author shares the many ways dads love their children. Vibrant illustrations with creative text placement adds to the enjoyment of a book that children will want to read time and time again.

Early Elementary — Just Me and My Dad by Mercer Mayer

The Little Critter books have been around for quite some time, but their charm remains strong. Little Critter and his dad head out on a camping tip in this classic, beloved story. The two enjoy fun times and create special memories during their camping adventure that includes canoeing, fishing and building a campfire. An endearing story for fathers to share with their little ones.

Elementary/Middle School — The Fourteenth Goldfish: Believe in the Possible by Jennifer L. Holm

This New York Times bestseller features Ellie, a young girl who misses the fifth grade, her old, best friend and her recently departed goldfish. Interestingly, a boy comes into her life who reminds her of her scientist grandfather, a man who is slightly obsessed with immortality. This is a story with wit and humor that explores the questions of life and death, family and friendship, and the wonders of science.

High School — Love and Gelato by Jenna Evans Welch

Sixteen-year-old Lina’s mom’s dying wish was that she get to know her father, a man who had never been in her life. Lina was given her mom’s journal and in it she discovered her mom’s account of a time she lived in Italy. When she returns to retrace her mom’s experiences in Italy, Lina discovers a magical world and a long-time secret that will change all she thought she knew about her parents and herself.

Moms — Inspired by the WOW Moments of Life by Lucy Wellmaker

Greensboro resident, Lucy Wellmaker, is a board certified life coach, workshop facilitator and speaker who has a passion for helping people live their lives with purpose. For years Lucy has recorded what she calls “WOW Moments,” a unique way of looking at everyday moments and recognizing life lessons that they may offer. In her new book, Lucy helps readers discover their own WOW Moments in a thoughtfully prepared format with room to journal personal experiences. Lucy feels that “when we learn to see the wisdom and insights that we receive in these moments, we learn to live our lives with more purpose.”

Ellen Bryant Lloyd is the author of FRECKLES and FRECKLES and The Great Beach Rescue. Please visit www.funwithfreckles.com and www.facebook.com/funwithfreckles to learn more about Freckles. Ellen writes a blog about her perspectives on life and parenting at www.mindfulmom.wordpress.com and tweets at @EllenBLloyd. She lives in Greensboro with her husband and two children.

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  1. Mighty Dads and the Lityle Critter book sound perfect for my kids. I have so many books focused on mom, but would love some dad focused books too. Thanks for another great book review post!

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