Springtime and Easter Books

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Happy Easter! Hopefully you are all enjoying a beautiful day with family and friends and won’t come anywhere near your computer. But just in case you sneak a peek at our website today, we wanted to give you some fantastic book recommendations for you and your children. Some of my friends helped me gather this list of favorite springtime and Easter Books. Print out our list and take it to the book store or library next time you go! Or choose your favorites and click the title to order them through Amazon. We hope you and your children will enjoy them as much as we do!

Oh What A Busy Day by Gyo Fujikawa

This is my absolute favorite book of all time. When I think of Spring, I think of this book that I absolutely loved as a child. I could not find a new copy anywhere, so we dug up our old one from years ago and my kids now love it, too. The illustrations are so detailed that my kids can stare at the same pages forever and continue to find new things. The bad news is that original copies in good condition sell for over $50 on EBay, but if one of you hunt this book down somewhere, let me know! I’d love another copy … Rachel H.

When Springtime Comes by Ronnie Sellers

Another book that I loved growing up. We still have our original copy. Beautiful, detailed pictures of a little girl and all the things she does when Springtime comes. … Rachel H.

Courduroy’s Easter by Don Freeman

The title says it all, I love that little guy. They have party and egg hunt that they all prepare for, etc. It is sweet book … JoAnne D.

Junie B., First Grader: Dumb Bunny by Barbara Park

I read this with my son last year and it was really cute. Junie wonders how she got stuck wear a big dumb bunny suit to her friend’s Easter party. She can’t find eggs because she keeps tripping over her huge big rabbit feet and encounters many obstacles throughout the book … Shannon G.

Caillou Bath Time by Joceline Sanschagrin

This is a small board book that my son loves. Caillou plays in the garden with worms and goes in to take his bath. Short, simple, and sweet … Megan S.

You’re All My Favorites by Sam McBratney

The kids and I just love this book. It is really an ‘anytime’ book. It is about a momma bear, a daddy bear and 3 baby bears. The baby bears question their parents about which one of them is their ‘favorite’. The way the story is told the bears learn that they each have their own characteristics and that their parents love them for who they are. They learn that they are ALL equally favorites in their parents’ eyes … Kristie T.

The Easter Story by Patricia A. Pingry

My kids of ages 2-8 are great ages for this book which helps kids understand Easter’s historical significance … Stephanie E.

Make Way for Dumb Bunnies by Dav Pilkey

Silly, colorful books. You will giggle with your kids over the nonsense stories. Bunny family who is always doing / celebrating something the wrong way. For example one book – The Dumb Bunnies Easter, is actually about Christmas! … Molly K.

Morning In the Garden by Heather J. Gondek

This is a pop up and lift the flap book that I love reading to my preschoolers. It’s all about the flowers and animals waking up in the garden. The pictures are great … Laura C.

The Runaway Bunny by Margaret Wise Brown

A classic! … Mary S.

Caterpillar Spring Butterfly Summer by Susan Hood

This is a really sweet pop-up board book about the caterpillar’s transformation to the butterfly. For some reason my daughter is obsessed with it and just loves it! … Carolyn B.

Here Comes Peter Cottontail! By Steve Nelson

The classic song is written out in this little book. You can sing it or read it. I am sure my children do not like my singing, but I do it anyway! … Abby D.

Peter Cottontail’s Easter Egg Hunt by Joseph R. Ritchie

This is my one-year-old’s favorite book right now. It’s a lift-the-flap book that teaches great skills while looking for hidden eggs … Amy S.

Lilly’s Chocolate Heart by Kevin Henkes

A child’s board book all about Lilly the Mouse and the wonderful piece of chocolate that she is trying to save for Valentine’s Day … Joy K.

Buzz-Buzz, Busy Bees

I could not find an author’s name on this book, but it is a really cute animal sounds book with buzzing noises in it! … Julie D.

Miss Spider’s Tea Party by David Kirk

The pictures in Miss Spider books are always beautiful! I love this little book that also teaches a great lesson … Jennifer W.

The Story of Easter by Jean Miller

This is a Little Golden Book series, but it does a great job of explaining the Easter story to young kids. I think we have the same book that I had as a child, because it just appeared on our bookshelves! … Melissa K.

Song of the Swallows by Leo Politi

This book was published in the 1940’s, and has been around forever. It was always a favorite of mine. The kids have to be a little older to sit through it, but the story is great …Melissa K.

The Velveteen Rabbit by Margery Williams

A classic story and one I loved when I was little! Although the rabbit is given as a Christmas gift in the story, it’s a great book for Easter too, and comes with a wonderful lesson…Katie M.

I hope you enjoyed this Springtime and Easter Book recommendations. For Easter Best Sellers click here. For More Easter Basket Ideas visit our Amazon Store front. Please add any of your favorites in the comments below!

For other Easter related posts check out Easter Basket Ideas, Fun Ways to Celebrate Easter, Easter Egg Decorating Tradition, and Easter Food Ideas

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